Dialog Element Editors

A Dialog Element is a type of component that enables you to make your custom dialogs more visually pleasing to your template users, as well as to link to scripts and web assets. A dialog element enables you to add additional text, vertical spacing, horizontal lines, buttons, web links, and images to your dialogs.

There are six different types of Dialog Elements:

Each dialog element editor is its own unique editor. Once created, you cannot change a dialog element to another type.

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  1. Common Tasks
  2. Component Toolbar
  3. Text Dialog Element
  4. Spacer Dialog Element
  5. Divider Dialog Element
  6. Script Link Dialog Element
  7. Web Link Dialog Element
  8. Image Dialog Element

Common Tasks

Component Toolbar

Basic component actions appear in the component toolbar, above the component properties.

Button What it Does
Test Displays the selected component in the HotDocs Test Browser.
Rename Displays the Rename Component dialog that enables you to rename your component.
Duplicate Displays the Duplicate Components dialog that enables you to create a copy of this component in the component file.
Tools Shows or hides the Tools pane on the right.
Delete Displays the Delete Component dialog that enables you to delete the component. You can also view a list of templates or components that currently reference the selected component and you may have to fix after deletion.

Text Dialog Element

The Text dialog element enables you to add explanatory text to your dialog in an interview. The Text dialog editor provides the following properties:

Property Name What it Does
Property Name What it Does
Name Enables you to view and edit the name of your variable. You can easily this property if your no other components or templates reference the variable; otherwise, this property becomes read-only.

It is not advisable to rename variables once another component or template references them, since this can cause major answer mismatches during document assembly.

If read-only, you can rename your variable using the Rename button on the toolbar.

Component names must be unique within the template and component file.

Text Enables you to include additional information and instructions on the dialog to help your users correctly provide the information you want to gather from them.
If you are adding text to a spreadsheet dialog, select one of the tabs below the text field to choose whether to display your text in
  • All views of the dialog
  • Spreadsheet view only
  • Edit Row view only

For convenience, as you enter text into the Text field, the Text dialog element name automatically updates.

Notes Provides a place for you to jot down any notes you want about the dialog element. Notes do not show up anywhere in the interview and are strictly for your use as a template author, as well as anyone else who edits your dialog element.

Spacer Dialog Element

The Spacer dialog element enables you to place empty space in the dialog to help you better define sections of a dialog in an interview. The Spacer dialog element editor provides the following properties:

Property Name What it Does
Property Name What it Does
Name Enables you to view and edit the name of your variable. You can easily this property if your no other components or templates reference the variable; otherwise, this property becomes read-only.

It is not advisable to rename variables once another component or template references them, since this can cause major answer mismatches during document assembly.

If read-only, you can rename your variable using the Rename button on the toolbar.

Component names must be unique within the template and component file.

Height Enables you to choose the size of the vertical spacing by selecting a percentage of the dialog font.

For convenience, as you change the height of the blank vertical space, the Spacer dialog element name automatically updates.

Notes Provides a place for you to jot down any notes you want about the dialog element. Notes do not show up anywhere in the interview and are strictly for your use as a template author, as well as anyone else who edits your dialog element.

Divider Dialog Element

The Divider dialog element inserts a horizontal line on the dialog to separate questions in the dialog in an interview. The Divider dialog element editor provides the following properties:

Property Name What it Does
Property Name What it Does
Name Enables you to view and edit the name of your variable. You can easily this property if your no other components or templates reference the variable; otherwise, this property becomes read-only.

It is not advisable to rename variables once another component or template references them, since this can cause major answer mismatches during document assembly.

If read-only, you can rename your variable using the Rename button on the toolbar.

Component names must be unique within the template and component file.

Text Enables you to include text with the divider line to better explain what follows the divider line. Below the text box, the percent chooser enables you to determine the relative size of the divider text compared to the main text in the dialog. Clicking one of the format options to the right of the chooser instructs HotDocs to justify the text to the left, center, or right on the dialog.

For convenience, as you enter text into the Text field, the Divider dialog element name automatically updates.

Notes Provides a place for you to jot down any notes you want about the dialog element. Notes do not show up anywhere in the interview and are strictly for your use as a template author, as well as anyone else who edits your dialog element.

Script Link Dialog Element

The Script Link dialog element enables you to place a link or button on the dialog in the interview that, when clicked, executes a computation script. This may be useful if you want users to perform a computation or other type of command and have the result take effect immediately. The Script Link dialog editor provides the following properties:

Property Name What it Does
Property Name What it Does
Name Enables you to view and edit the name of your variable. You can easily this property if your no other components or templates reference the variable; otherwise, this property becomes read-only.

It is not advisable to rename variables once another component or template references them, since this can cause major answer mismatches during document assembly.

If read-only, you can rename your variable using the Rename button on the toolbar.

Component names must be unique within the template and component file.

Script Enables you to type the name of an existing computation. If the computation does not yet exist, clicking the New / Edit button to the right enables you to create a new computation.

For convenience, as you select or enter text to create the computation, the Script Link dialog element name automatically updates.

Type and Size Enables you to choose whether to invoke the computation using a Button or a Hyperlink. If you choose Button, you can set the Size of the button in pixels by changing the values in the horizontal and vertical choosers provided.
Text check box If you set Type property to Hyperlink, and check the Text check box, you can select the text you want to use as the link.
Image check box If you set Type property to Button and check the Image check box, you can select the image you want to appear on the button.
Notes Provides a place for you to jot down any notes you want about the dialog element. Notes do not show up anywhere in the interview and are strictly for your use as a template author, as well as anyone else who edits your dialog element.

Web Link Dialog Element

The Web Link dialog element enables you to include a hyperlink on a dialog to open a URL in a Web browser in an interview. This may be useful if you need users to refer to a specific Web page when answering questions in a dialog. The Web Link dialog element editor provides the following properties:

Property Name What it Does
Property Name What it Does
Name Enables you to view and edit the name of your variable. You can easily this property if your no other components or templates reference the variable; otherwise, this property becomes read-only.

It is not advisable to rename variables once another component or template references them, since this can cause major answer mismatches during document assembly.

If read-only, you can rename your variable using the Rename button on the toolbar.

Component names must be unique within the template and component file.

Type and Size Enables you to choose whether to invoke the web link using a Button or a Hyperlink. If you choose Button, you can set the Size of the button in pixels by changing the values in the horizontal and vertical choosers provided.
URL Enables you to type the URL of the web link. Ensure you type the URL correctly. Include http:// or https:// or ftp://, as appropriate.

For convenience, as you type the URL into the URL field, the Web Link dialog element name automatically updates.

Text check box If you set Type property to Hyperlink, and check the Text check box, you can select the text you want to use as the link.
Image check box If you set Type property to Button and check the Image check box, you can select the image you want to appear on the button.
Window Options Enables you to set the size and behavior of the browser window that the URL invokes. You can specify behavior of the window on opening by placing values in the Comma-separated list of options passed to window.open(). This box corresponds to the third parameter of the JavaScript window.open method (see Features). For example, to open a window that is 200 pixels high, 400 pixels wide, includes the status bar, and does not include the toolbar, menu bar, and location bar, use this string:


Notes Provides a place for you to jot down any notes you want about the dialog element. Notes do not show up anywhere in the interview and are strictly for your use as a template author, as well as anyone else who edits your dialog element.

Image Dialog Element

The Image dialog element enables you to add an image to your dialog in an iterview. The Image dialog element editor provides the following properties:

Property Name What it Does
Property Name What it Does
Name Enables you to view and edit the name of your variable. You can easily this property if your no other components or templates reference the variable; otherwise, this property becomes read-only.

It is not advisable to rename variables once another component or template references them, since this can cause major answer mismatches during document assembly.

If read-only, you can rename your variable using the Rename button on the toolbar.

Component names must be unique within the template and component file.

Image File Clicking the Browse icon to the right enables you to choose an image to place on the dialog. Clicking one of the format options to the right of the Browse icon instructs HotDocs to justify the image to the left, center, or right on the dialog.

For convenience, as you select the image you want to display, the Image dialog element name automatically updates.

Notes Provides a place for you to jot down any notes you want about the dialog element. Notes do not show up anywhere in the interview and are strictly for your use as a template author, as well as anyone else who edits your dialog element.