Caveats for Importing HotDocs 11.x Templates into HotDocs Author

Before importing a HotDocs 11.x template, you should confirm that your template will import as expected by reading through this list of import caveats.

Should you wish to read more detail about importing templates with any of the features in this list, you can read Importing HotDocs 11.x Templates into HotDocs Author.

Features Causing Import to Fail

Templates containing the following features will cause the import to fail:

Feature Explanation Recommended Actions
Clause components, clause archives, and clause libraries Templates that contain clause components, clause archives, and clause libraries are not currently supported for import. Read more

Remove clause component from template before import or wait for import capability in a future release. Read more

Database components Templates that contain database components are not currently supported for import. Read more Remove database component from template before import or wait for import capability in future release.
Component file security settings HotDocs Author does not support importing published templates that contain the settings component file lock, registration, expiration date, and password protection. Read more Locate the original, unpublished version of the template and attempt your import.
Lengthy template names

Templates with names and workspace file paths that exceed Windows' 259-character limit will not import. Read more

Move where the workspace is stored on your hard drive to a location with fewer nested folders. Read more
Unsupported template formats WordPerfect, .rtf, and .doc templates require conversion to an Author-compatible template before it can be imported. .Hpt and .hft templates are not currently supported for import. The recommended actions depend on which unsupported template format you are trying to import. Read more

Features That Will Require Attention in the Template After Import

Templates containing the following features will cause errors in the template but may not be reported in the import report:

Feature Explanation Post-Import Recommended Actions
Personal Information variables (MY instruction) Personal information variables rely on the Windows registry, which cannot be accessed from web-based applications such as HotDocs Hub. Read more Replace personal information variables with a regular variable.
Application Link dialog elements All application link dialog elements are converted to text dialog elements on import. Read more Remove the text dialog element that the application link dialog elements was converted to. Consider using a link to a web-based app you might use instead.
SET or DEFAULT instructions for a number variable with a value in quotation marks

HotDocs Author no longer accepts this type of incorrect syntax as valid. Read more

Remove the quotation marks in the value.

Features That May Require Attention in the Template After Import

Templates that contain the following features will be modified on import and may require manual updating to achieve desired functionality:

Feature Explanation Post-Import Recommended Actions
ASK ALL, ASK DEFAULT, ASK NONE, and ASK UNANSWERED instructions These problematic instructions have been permanently deprecated. Read more Remove from template and achieve the same functionality by setting the component's "Ask automatically flag" and use ASK instructions to ask.
SET or DEFAULT instructions for a number variable with a value in quotation marks HotDocs Author no longer accepts this type of incorrect syntax as valid. Read more Remove the quotation marks in the value.
Span components Span components will be removed on import (with content between the open and close span tags preserved). Read more Design your template in a way that does not rely on granting your user editorial control of the assembled document.
Answer sources and OMIT and CONCEAL instructions Answer sources are removed from the template on import; OMIT and CONCEAL instructions are commented out (retained in the template with their functionality removed). Read more To retain the same functionality, wait for the new feature to be implemented.
ASSEMBLE instructions with command line options Command line options other than /nw and /naw are removed on import (/nw and /naw are modified to /ni to allow for proper function). Read more Adapt your template so that you do not rely on assemble instructions with command line options.
HTML Help, Windows Help, Folio InfoBase and custom program resources These legacy resources have been permanently deprecated and are removed on import. Read more Make content contained in obsolete resources available to template users during an interview using Author's Additional Information feature. Read more
PLAY instruction and Move to the "TypeHere" Bookmark Property These features have been permanently deprecated and are removed on import. Read more Adapt your template so that you do not rely on these post-assembly features.

Features That Require Minor Modifications During Import

Templates that contain the following features are modified slightly on import and are reported in the import report for information purposes:

Feature Explanation Post-Import Recommended Actions
Computations with no result type Author now requires you to set a computations result type. When a computation is imported, HotDocs will assign a result type to all computations. Read more Verify that the computations that have had their result type set to none are OK.

"Row-based" repeats without END REPEAT field

Author now requires you to include a matching END REPEAT field and modifies row-based repeats to include END REPEAT field at import. Read more Review the automatic placement of the END REPEAT field to see if its correct.
Templates that rely on the smart return feature of HotDocs Developer 11

The Smart Return feature is no longer necessary, as the removal of a HotDocs field from a template no longer requires removing a hard return. Read more

Inspect your newly imported document and see if it is formatted correctly (look for the presence of unwanted extra paragraphs or merged paragraphs).