FileCollection.CreateCollectionFromZipFile Method

This method extracts files from a .ZIP file and adds the file names (including file path) to the FileCollection.


void CreateCollectionFromZipFile ( string zipFilePath , string destinationDir )

Parameters Description
zipFilePath The file system path for the .ZIP file.
destinationDir The file system path for the folder where the .ZIP file should be extracted.


' This example extracts files from a zip file and adds them to a file collection.
' Then it displays the file name and path for each file in the collection.
Dim fc
Set fc = Server.CreateObject("HotDocs_Online.FileCollection")
fc.CreateCollectionFromZipFile "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\files\", "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\temp"
for i = 0 to (fc.Count - 1)
Response.Write fc.Item(i) & "<br>"