GInterviewResponse.GetRequestString Method

This method parses the data returned by the HTML interview and creates an XML document that can be passed to AnswerCollection.SetXMLAnswers().

This method will not work in ASP.NET. For a method that does work in ASP.NET, please see HotDocs.Server.InterviewResponse.GetInterviewAnswers.

This function was previously handled by some ASP code like this:

AnswerCollection.SetXMLAnswers Request.Form("HDInfo")

However, because of an IIS limitation, using this method would cause problems if the interview returned more data than 102 KB. To be safe, you should always use the GetRequestString method to collect data from the interview.


string GetRequestString ( object requestObj )

Parameter Description

The Request object exposed by the ASP page.

Return Value

An XML string of answers that is suitable to be passed to AnswerCollection.SetXMLAnswers().


Dim ac
Dim ir
Set ac = Server.CreateObject("HotDocs_Online.AnswerCollection")
Set ir = Server.CreateObject("HotDocs_Online.InterviewResponse")
ac.SetXMLAnswers ir.GetRequestString(Request)