hdCmpType Enumeration

This enumeration lists the types of components that can be present in a ComponentCollection. The possible values are:

Component Types

Name Value Description
hdAdditionalText 12 Additional text component
hdClauseLibType 9 Clause library component
hdComputationType 6 Computation variable
hdDatabaseType 8 Database component
hdDateFormat 17 Date format
hdDateType 3 Date variable
hdDialog 13 Dialog component
hdDocumentText 11 Document text (SPAN) component
hdGroupFormat 20 Group format
hdMultChoiceFormat 19 Multiple Choice format
hdMultChoiceType 5 Multiple Choice variable
hdNumberFormat 16 Number format
hdNumberType 2 Number variable
hdTextFormat 15 Text format
hdTextPattern 14 Text pattern
hdTextType 1 Text type
hdTrueFalseFormat 18 True/False format
hdTrueFalseType 4 True/False variable
hdUnansweredType 7 Unanswered type
hdUndefined 10 Undefined