VariableCollection.VarType Property

[Read-only] This property returns a number corresponding to the variable type. These values are enumerated in the ansType enumeration.

  • Invalid = 0

  • Text = 1

  • Number = 2

  • Date = 3

  • True/False = 5

  • Multiple Choice = 6


Type (index)

Parameter Description
long index The index into the VariableCollection of the variable.


' This example opens a variable collection and lists each variable's name and type.
dim vc
Set vc = Server.CreateObject ("HotDocs_Online.VariableCollection")
vc.Open "c:\InetPub\wwwroot\templates\template.hvc"
for i = 0 to (vc.Count -1)
    Response.Write "Name: " & vc.VarName(i) & "<br>"
    Response.Write "Type: "
    select case vc.VarType(i)
        case ansTypeText
            Response.Write "Text Variable"
        case ansTypeNumber
            Response.Write "Number Variable"
        case ansTypeDate
            Response.Write "Date Variable"
        case ansTypeTF
            Response.Write "True/False Variable"
        case ansTypeMC
            Response.Write "Multiple Choice Variable"
    end select
    Response.Write "<hr>"