Language Module Strings

The following tables list all of the strings that can be localized in a Browser Language Module (BLM):

Standard User Interface Elements

String Default Text (English) Usage
ui_hd HotDocs This is used in the title bar of error message boxes (where possible)
ui_logo Powered by HotDocs Server  
ui_load Loading HotDocs interview...  
ui_wait Please Wait  
ui_help HotDocs Server Help  
ui_helpcaption Help  
ui_io Interview Outline  
ui_yes Yes  
ui_no No  
ui_other Other  
ui_nota None of the Above  
ui_cal Calendar  
ui_ssbedit Edit Ro&w If this string contains an ampersand, the following character will be interpreted as a keyboard access shortcut in JavaScript interviews. (In Silverlight interviews, the ampersand will simply be omitted since they do not support keyboard shortcuts.)
ui_ssbins &Insert Row If this string contains an ampersand, the following character will be interpreted as a keyboard access shortcut in JavaScript interviews. (In Silverlight interviews, the ampersand will simply be omitted since they do not support keyboard shortcuts.)
ui_ssbdel &Delete Row If this string contains an ampersand, the following character will be interpreted as a keyboard access shortcut in JavaScript interviews. (In Silverlight interviews, the ampersand will simply be omitted since they do not support keyboard shortcuts.)
ui_rownum [Row {0}] This is appended to the dialog title during "Edit Row" operations
ui_rownew [New Row] This is appended to the dialog title during "Edit Row" operations
ui_new New This is a prefix for new, unanswered dialog iterations
ui_rtntiv Back to Interview  
ui_sresult Server Results This is the default title for the "Server Results" pane, which is visible when using the HDAPI.PostAnswersToServer or HDAPI.PostToServer functions.
ui_addbtn &Add Another If this string contains an ampersand, the following character will be interpreted as a keyboard access shortcut in JavaScript interviews. (In Silverlight interviews, the ampersand will simply be omitted since they do not support keyboard shortcuts.)
ui_mnutt Dialog Menu  
ui_err Error  
ui_close Close  

Formatting Strings

String Default Text (English) Usage
ui_and and  
ui_or or  
ui_minus minus  
ui_percent percent  
ui_true true  
ui_false false  

Answer Summaries

String Default Text (English) Usage
ui_as HotDocs Answer Summary This is the title used for answer summaries when printing.
ui_astitle Template:  
ui_print Print  

Toolbar Button Tooltips and Status Bar Messages

String Default Text (English) Usage
tb_as Answer Summary  
tb_ast Display a summary of all answers entered in this interview.  
tb_sv Save Answers  
tb_svt Save the current answers.  
tb_dp Document Preview  
tb_dpt Display an approximate preview of the finished document.  
tb_ol0 Hide Interview Outline  
tb_ol1 Show Interview Outline  
tb_ol2 Show/Hide Interview Outline  
tb_ol3 Show Drop-down Interview Outline  
tb_olt Toggle the Interview Outline on or off.  
tb_od Show Interview Outline  
tb_odt Show the Interview Outline drop-down.  
tb_iu0 Disable Instant Update  
tb_iu1 Enable Instant Update  
tb_iut Toggle Instant Update of interview outline on or off.  
tb_pg0 Multi-page Interview  
tb_pg1 Single-page Interview  
tb_pgt Toggle between Multi-page and Single-page interview.  
tb_rs0 Hide Resource Pane  
tb_rs1 Show Resource Pane  
tb_rst Toggle between showing resources in Pop-up windows or the Resource Pane.  
tb_hlp Display the HotDocs Server help page.  

Dialog Navigation

String Default Text (English) Usage
navb_First Fi&rst If this string contains an ampersand, the following character will be interpreted as a keyboard access shortcut in JavaScript interviews. (In Silverlight interviews, the ampersand will simply be omitted since they do not support keyboard shortcuts.)
navb_Prev &Previous If this string contains an ampersand, the following character will be interpreted as a keyboard access shortcut in JavaScript interviews. (In Silverlight interviews, the ampersand will simply be omitted since they do not support keyboard shortcuts.)
navb_Next &Next If this string contains an ampersand, the following character will be interpreted as a keyboard access shortcut in JavaScript interviews. (In Silverlight interviews, the ampersand will simply be omitted since they do not support keyboard shortcuts.)
navb_Last &Last If this string contains an ampersand, the following character will be interpreted as a keyboard access shortcut in JavaScript interviews. (In Silverlight interviews, the ampersand will simply be omitted since they do not support keyboard shortcuts.)
navb_Finish Finish If this string contains an ampersand, the following character will be interpreted as a keyboard access shortcut in JavaScript interviews. (In Silverlight interviews, the ampersand will simply be omitted since they do not support keyboard shortcuts.)
nav_First First Dialog  
nav_PrevU Previous Unanswered Dialog  
nav_Prev Previous Dialog  
nav_Next Next Dialog  
nav_NextU Next Unanswered Dialog  
nav_Last Last Dialog  
nav_Finish Finish Interview Tooltip for the "Finish" button
nav_FinEM Finish Editing Rows / Return to List Tooltip for the "Finish Edit Mode" button
nav_leave This will terminate the interview, and any answers you have entered will be lost. Click the Next or Previous buttons at the bottom of the page to move through the interview. If you are finished answering questions, click Finish to complete the interview and submit your answers.  
nav_warnfin This is the last dialog in the interview. Click OK if you are finished with the interview and want to submit your answers. Click Cancel to return to the interview.  

Keyboard Accelerator Tooltips

String Default Text (English) Usage
uitt_First First Dialog (Ctrl+Home)  
uitt_PrevU Previous Unanswered Dialog (Ctrl+Page Up)  
uitt_Prev Previous Dialog (Page Up)  
uitt_Next Next Dialog (Page Down)  
uitt_NextU Next Unanswered Dialog (Ctrl+Page Down)  
uitt_Last Last Dialog (Ctrl+End)  
uitt_ssbedit Edit Row (Ctrl+Enter)  
uitt_ssbins Insert Row (Ctrl+Insert)  
uitt_ssbins Delete Row (Ctrl+Delete)  

HotDocs Resources

String Default Text (English) Usage
rs_bcap View Resource  
rs_dis See individual {0} for available resources  
rs_cols columns  
rs_opts options  
rs_opt option  
rs_fld answer field  
rs_dlg dialog  
rs_ind {0}{1}{2} for {3} {0} & {2} are begin/end hyperlink markup, {1} is [rs_bcap], {3} is [rs_opt]/[rs_fld]/[rs_dlg].

Validation Messages

String Default Text (English) Usage
val_invdate Please enter a valid date.  
val_invnum Please enter a number.  
val_numrng Please enter a number between {0} and {1}.  
val_numlt Please enter a number that is less than or equal to {0}.  
val_numgt Please enter a number that is greater than or equal to {0}.  
val_reqg One or more questions are required and must be answered before you can complete the interview.  
val_reqp One or more questions are required and must be answered before you can proceed.  
val_reqd One or more questions in the {0} dialog are required and must be answered before you can proceed.  
val_rptlim You can enter only {0} sets of answers for this dialog.  
val_repdel Are you sure you want to delete this repetition?  
val_err You must resolve one or more input errors before you can proceed.  
val_wait Please wait while your answers are being processed.  

Context Menu

String Default Text (English) Usage
hdmnuClearAns Erase Answer  
hdmnuCut Cut  
hdmnuCopy Copy  
hdmnuPaste Paste  
hdmnuDel Delete  
hdmnuSelAll Select All  
hdmnuEditRow Edit Row  
hdmnuInsRow Insert Row  
hdmnuDelRow Delete Row  
hdmnuMoveRowUp Move Row Up  
hdmnuMoveRowDn Move Row Down  
hdmnuClearDlg Erase Answers  
hdmnuInsRep Insert Repetition  
hdmnuDelRep Delete Repetition  
hdmnuMoveUp Move Repetition Up  
hdmnuMoveDn Move Repetition Down  
hdmnuNewRep New Repetition  
hdmnuEraseAllAns Erase All Answers  

Date Input Parsing Regular Expressions

HotDocs Server interviews support simple TODAY-based date arithmetic when entering a date. For example, if you want to enter today's date plus 4 days, you could enter "T + 4 days" in the date field and it would be interpreted as the date four days after today. The following strings allow you to localize the keywords used to interpret such date arithmetic; date expressions are parsed using a regular expression built using these strings:

String Default Text (English) Usage
dateparse_today (t|today) This expression allows users to enter a "T" or "TODAY" as a shortcut to today's date.
dateparse_days (d|day|days) This expression allows users to enter "d", "day", or "days" to add a number of days to TODAY.
dateparse_months (m|month|months) This expression allows users to enter "m", "month", or "months" to add a number of months to TODAY.
dateparse_years (y|year|years) This expression allows users to enter "y", "year", or "years" to add a number of years to TODAY.

User-Facing Error Messages

String Default Text (English) Usage
err_invint Invalid Interview: The current dialog cannot be displayed!<br>&nbsp;<br>You may still click the Finish button below if you want to<br>submit the results of this interview.  
err_vers This HotDocs interview (HDVers={0}) is incompatible with the current HotDocs Server interview runtime ({1}).  
err_slv This HotDocs Server interview requires Microsoft Silverlight version 5.0 or later.  
err_load Error: {0} failed to load properly.  
err_noint Invalid Interview: There is nothing to display!  
err_print Printing failed due to your browser's security restrictions.  
err_mustret You must return to the interview before performing this action.  
err_rowclck Please click in a table cell to choose a current row.  
err_nest Invalid Interview: REPEAT instructions are nested more than 4 levels deep.  
err_cantadd You must answer at least one question in this dialog before you can add another dialog.  
err_brows Browser Error  
err_browsm You are attempting to use a HotDocs Server interview on an unsupported browser or platform; the interview may not appear correctly. Continue anyway?  
err_browssl HotDocs Server Silverlight interviews are only supported in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari web browsers running on Windows or Mac systems.  
err_browsjs HotDocs Server JavaScript interviews require Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or later.  
err_unk Unknown Error  

Internal Error Messages

Since these internal error messages should appear rarely in well-tested templates, you may wish to skip them when creating your language module.

String Default Text (English) Usage
errnoact Interview could not be initialized: FormAction not specified.  
errpath Interview could not be initialized: no {0} path was specified.  
errdiv Error: Unable to render HotDocs interview because the interview container (hdMainDiv) does not exist on this page. Please contact your network administrator.  
errinit Error: Interview attempted to start before initialization was complete. Please report situation to HotDocs development.  
errslimg Silverlight supports only PNG and JPG images. Has an invalid or missing image file been used?  
errpoprslt Error: Attempted to pop an empty result stack.  
errsetrslt Error: Attempt to set the top of an empty result stack.  
errgetrslt Error: Attempt to get the top of an empty result stack.  
errpopuans Error: Attempted to pop an empty unanswered stack.  
errsetuans Error: Attempt to set the top of an empty unanswered stack.  
errgetuans Error: Attempt to get the top of an empty unanswered stack.  
errpop {0}: Pop of empty stack!  
errget {0}: Get on empty stack!  
badmojo Bad Mojo {0}: {1}!  
errpoprpt Error: Unable to pop an empty repeat stack.  
erraccrpt Error: Unable to access the top of an empty repeat stack.  
errinfunc Error in {0}: {1}  
vnf Var not found!  
badcomp Inappropriate comparison.  
txtcomp Inappropriate text comparison.  
datecomp Inappropriate date comparison.  
tmccomp Error: Invalid text-to-MC comparison.  
mccomp Invalid MC to MC comparison.  
dateop Error: Inappropriate operation on a date variable.  
badtest Error: Testing an invalid variable or one that does not exist.  
badcount Error: Invalid item passed to HDCount.  
baddateof Error: Invalid date used in \"DATE OF\" calculation.