HotDocs Server Registry Keys

HotDocs Server stores various information that affects run-time behavior in the Windows registry. The information below describes the registry keys used by HotDocs Server and how you can modify them in order to change the way that HotDocs Server works. Although you could make changes by directly editing the registry, you should instead use the HotDocs Server Management Console whenever possible to avoid causing inadvertent damage to your HotDocs Server installation or Windows.

If you decide to edit the registry directly, it is recommended that you first back up any keys you modify.

Main HotDocs Server Subkey

  • 32bit: HKLM\SOFTWARE\HotDocs\HotDocs Server
  • 64bit: HKLM\SOFTWARE\SysWow6432Node\HotDocs\HotDocs Server

This is the main HotDocs Server subkey where general information about the HotDocs Server installation is stored, including the program files folder and version number. It contains the following values:

Name Type Description Example Data
InstallDir REG_SZ HotDocs Server program files folder C:\Program Files\HotDocs Server\
InstallVersion REG_SZ Software version number
Website Index REG_SZ Web site index number 1

HKLM\SOFTWARE\HotDocs\HotDocs Server\Log

This subkey is used to store information that HotDocs Server uses when it creates log files. These log files are used to record requests that HotDocs Server receives. The subkey contains the following values that control the log file format and where it is stored:

Name Type Description Example Data
Debug Log REG_SZ [Optional] This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server will log additional debug messages in the log file. false
Log API Errors REG_SZ This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server will log all API errors in the System Event log. false
Log Exceptions REG_SZ This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server will log additional advanced troubleshooting errors that may occur while it is running. false
Log location REG_SZ This is the folder where HotDocs Server will create its log files. C:\​Windows\​system32\​HotDocs Server Log
MaxLogFileSize REG_DWORD [Optional] An integer specifying the maximum log file size in KB. Default setting is 5MB and has a minimum setting of 1000KB. 1000
NumBackupLogFiles REG_DWORD [Optional] An integer specifying the number of backup log files. If this option is not set, the default is 200files. 100

HKLM\SOFTWARE\HotDocs\HotDocs Server\Server Settings

This subkey is used to store information about specific properties related to the document assembly process. It contains the following values:

Name Type Description Example Data
Add HDMain div REG_SZ This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server should include the HDMain DIV element in the HTML interview it returns when you call GetInterview. If you set this to false, the interview will appear in the hdMainDiv you create on your page; otherwise, a value of true causes HotDocs Server to add the hdMainDiv tags to the HTML output and place the interview in that DIV element. true
AS Borders REG_SZ This indicates the type of borders used in two-column answer summaries. None, Plain, or Sculptured
AS Bullet Answers REG_SZ This indicates whether or not answers are preceded by bullets in one-column answer summaries. true
AS Bullet Prompts REG_SZ This indicates whether or not prompts are preceded by bullets in one-column answer summaries. true
AS Indent Answers REG_SZ This indicates whether or not answers are indented in one-column answer summaries. true
AS Indent Prompts REG_SZ This indicates whether or not prompts are indented in one-column answer summaries. true
AS Number of Columns REG_DWORD This indicates the number of columns used in answer summaries. 2
AS Percent of width for prompt REG_DWORD This indicates the percentage of the viewable window used to display the prompt column in a two-column answer summary. 30
Assemble Marked Documents REG_SZ This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server will assemble documents in Markup View. false
Automatically Build Support Files REG_SZ   This indicates whether or not HotDocs will automatically build support files. true
Country REG_DWORD The country (language) indicates how HotDocs should format dates and numbers in the assembled document. For example, US English will format dates as Month Day Year, and UK English will format dates as Day Month Year.

US and UK number formatting will also be applied to written number conventions.

1 (US English) or 44 (UK English)
Default Date Format REG_SZ This indicates how dates are merged into the assembled document if no format has been assigned by the template developer. It only controls how dates are formatted in assembled documents; it does not control how dates are formatted for display during the interview, however. June 3, 1990
Default HotDocs CSS Url REG_SZ This is the default URL for the HotDocs Server "user" cascading style sheet (e.g., http://​www.​yourcompany.​com/​HDServerFiles/​stylesheets/​HDSUser.css). http://​www.yourcompany.​com/​HDServerFiles/​stylesheets
Default HotDocs JS Url REG_SZ This is the default URL for the HotDocs Server JavaScript files. http://​www.yourcompany.​com/​HDServerFiles/js
Detailed error information REG_SZ This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server will log more detailed error information. false
Disable Answer Summary REG_SZ This indicates whether or not the Answer Summary button is displayed during interviews. false
Disallow Document Preview REG_SZ This indicates whether or not the Document Preview button is displayed on the interview toolbar when assembling templates. If desired, you can override this setting in each assembly by changing the Assembly.​DocumentPreview property. false
Interview format REG_SZ This is the default format of interviews. It can be either JavaScript or Silverlight.

Silverlight 5 runtime engine required to display Silverlight interviews.

Legacy Append Function REG_SZ This controls how the Application.AppendDocumentFile2 function operates. If it is false, HotDocs Server performs a more thorough merging of font, style, and color definitions in the combined document to avoid formatting errors that might occur otherwise. false
Max Repeat Count REG_DWORD This determines the maximum number of repetitions HotDocs Server will process before returning an error. (This setting helps reduce problems resulting from infinite loops in template logic.) 2000
Number of assembly threads REG_DWORD This indicates the number of assembly threads per CPU. By default, it is four times the number of processors (or ten times the number of processors for head nodes). 4
Number of worker threads REG_DWORD This indicates the number of worker threads per CPU. By default, it is ten times the number of processors. 10
Outline In Order REG_SZ This indicates whether or not during an interview, clicking the Next button should move to the next dialog in the interview outline. This applies to nested dialogs where the Next button has traditionally moved back to the parent dialog. true
PDF Conversion Timeout REG_SZ This controls the amount of time in seconds HotDocs takes to convert a document to a PDF file before assuming an error has occurred and cancels the conversion. 120
Printer Name REG_SZ This indicates the printer that HotDocs Server should use for calculating font metrics for HotDocs form templates. If you do not specify a printer, HotDocs Server uses the screen resolution to calculate font metrics, which is not recommended. \\Path\Printer Name
Show all resource buttons REG_SZ This indicates whether Resource buttons are displayed simultaneously for all variables with resources, or only for the current field. false
Silverlight Files REG_SZ This is the file system path to the folder containing the files required for Silverlight interviews. C:\Program Files\HotDocs Server\HDServerFiles\js
Support File Cache Directory REG_SZ This is the folder where HotDocs Server caches compiled Silverlight and JavaScript interview files. Each time a template is assembled HotDocs Server compiles a .NET assembly for use in the interview and caches it in this folder. The next time the same template is assembled, HotDocs Server uses the cached version (as long as the template files haven't changed since the cached version was created). C:\Program Files\HotDocs Server\Support File Cache
Temp File Cleanup Age REG_DWORD This is the number of minutes HotDocs Server will wait before deleting temporary files it creates. 3
Temp interview path REG_SZ This is the file system path to the folder where HotDocs Server creates temporary files, such as .HTML files generated when users click the Document Preview button during the interview. C:\Program Files\HotDocs Server\HDServerFiles\Temp
Temp interview url REG_SZ This is the URL for the temporary files folder specified in the "Temp interview path" setting above. HDServerFiles/Temp
Temporary Path REG_SZ This is the folder where HotDocs Server will create temporary files. C:\Windows\Temp
Unanswered Variable REG_SZ This determines how unanswered variables appear in assembled text documents. Possible values are [Variable], *** Variable ***, Asterisks, Nothing, or Underscores. (If a variable is left unanswered in a form document, the form field is left empty, regardless of which unanswered variable placeholder you have selected.) [Variable]  
Use 64bit HTML Conversion REG_SZ   This indicates whether or not HotDocs will use the 64bit HTML Conversion. true
Use 64bit PDF Conversion REG_SZ   This indicates whether or not HotDocs will use the 64bit PDF Conversion. true