Manager.GetAssemblyNodeState Method

This method was deprecated in HotDocs Server 11.

This method queries an assembly server and returns its current state.


public string GetAssemblyNodeState ( string nodeName, out int queue, out int history )

Parameters Description
nodeName The name of the assembly server to query.
queue The number of assemblies in the assembly server's queue.
history The number of documents that have been assembled since the assembly server was last started.

Return Value

One of the following strings, which indicate the current state of the assembly server:

  • Available: The assembly server is ready to perform assemblies.

  • Unlicensed: The maximum number of assembly servers has been reached and this server will not currently be used. However, if one of the authorized servers goes down, the head server may then contact this server and make it available.

  • Down: The assembly server cannot be contacted.

  • Invalid Version: The assembly server's version does not match the version of the head server.

  • Updating: A directory synchronization operation is currently in process.

  • Invalid: The server is invalid.