ASession.AddLogEntry Method

This method adds an entry to the HotDocs Server log file. Although this method is frequently used for error messages, you could use it to record any kind of information in the HotDocs Server log file. For example, you could add a log entry when a user first logs on to your host application.


public void AddLogEntry ( int code, string message )

Parameters Description
code A numeric code identifying the type of log entry. For example, you could assign a different number to each type of error your application handles. Then, when an error occurs, you can use that number when you record the error in your HotDocs Server log file.
message The text that will be written to the log. Together with the log code, the message can help you later troubleshoot problems that occur during the execution of your host application.


The following Visual C# code displays several properties of the Session class.

public class ExampleCode
    static void Main()
        HotDocs.Server.Session HDSSession = new HotDocs.Server.Session();
        HDSSession.AddLogEntry(1, "A new Session has been created with the following ID: " + HDSSession.ID);
        HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsCSSUrl = "";
        HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsImageUrl = "";
        HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsJavascriptUrl = "";
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","Assemblies", HDSSession.Assemblies.Count);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","Completed Assemblies", HDSSession.CompletedAssemblies.Count);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","CSS Url",HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsCSSUrl);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","Image Url",HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsImageUrl);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","Javascript Url",HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsJavascriptUrl);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","ID",HDSSession.ID);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","PDF Advantage",HDSSession.PDFAdvantageInstalled);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","HotDocs Version",HDSSession.GetHotDocsVersion());
        //Call Dispose when you are completely finished using the Session object