HotDocs.Server.AssemblyCollection Class

An AssemblyCollection represents a group of Assembly objects (templates) that HotDocs Server is either waiting to assemble, or has already assembled. In desktop HotDocs, this object would be analogous to the assembly queue. Using this object, your application can first add any number of templates to the queue and then let HotDocs Server assemble each document in turn.

The AssemblyCollection is used by Session.Assemblies, Session.CompletedAssemblies, and Assembly.PendingAssemblies.

Namespace: HotDocs.Server
Assembly: HotDocs.Server in HotDocs.Server.dll

This class implements the following interfaces:

  • IDisposable: The class can be disposed.

  • IList: The class is a list of Assembly objects.


Method Description
Add This method adds a new Assembly to the AssemblyCollection.
AddNew This method adds a new Assembly object to the AssemblyCollection.
Clear This method removes all assemblies from the AssemblyCollection.
Contains This method determines whether or not the AssemblyCollection contains a specific Assembly.
CopyTo Copies the elements of the AssemblyCollection to an Array, starting at a particular index.
Dispose This method is an implementation of the IDisposable.Dispose method that releases unmanaged resources held by an instance of the AssemblyCollection class.
FromStringCollection Add a list of assemblies to the AssemblyCollection.
GetEnumerator This method returns an enumerator that iterates through the AssemblyCollection.
IndexOf This method determines the index of a specific Assembly in the AssemblyCollection.
Insert This method inserts an Assembly to the AssemblyCollection at the specified index.
Remove This method removes the first occurrence of a specific Assembly from the AssemblyCollection.
RemoveAt This method removes the Assembly at the specified index.
ToStringCollection Get the list of assemblies as a list of template paths.


Property Description
Count [Read-only] This property returns the number of Assembly objects in the collection.
Item This property returns the specified Assembly from the AssemblyCollection.


This is some sample code from a disposition page. The document has been assembled and the page is going to show or hide some user interface telling the user that there are additional assemblies left to do.

// numberOfAssemblies needs to take into account any assemblies that are going to be added because of
// ASSEMBLE instructions in the template just finished. These assemblies are stored in Assembly.PendingAssemblies
// until Assemby.Completed = true, at which time they are moved to Session.Assemblies.
long numberOfAssemblies = _session.Assemblies.Count + _session.CurrentAssembly.PendingAssemblies.Count;
if(numberOfAssemblies > 1)
    pnlNextAsm.Visible = true; // pnlNextAsm is the panel that shows the assembly queue message
    lblContinue.Text = String.Format("You have completed {0} of {1} interviews required for this document set. There {2} {3} follow-up interview{4} still to be done. Click here to proceed to the next interview.",
        _session.CompletedAssemblies.Count + 1,
        numberOfAssemblies + _session.CompletedAssemblies.Count,
        ((numberOfAssemblies - 1) == 1) ? "is" : "are",
        (numberOfAssemblies - 1).ToString(),
        ((numberOfAssemblies - 1) == 1) ? "" : "s");
    pnlNextAsm.Visible = false;