HotDocs.Server.ComponentCollection Class

A ComponentCollection represents a HotDocs component file, which is a collection of Component objects like variables and dialogs. You can use a ComponentCollection in your host application to read and use information stored in a template's component file.

Namespace: HotDocs.Server
Assembly: HotDocs.Server in HotDocs.Server.dll

This class implements the following interfaces:

  • IDisposable: The class can be disposed.

  • IList: The class is a list of Component objects.


Method Description
ComponentCollection (Constructor) This constructor initializes a new instance of the ComponentCollection class.
Add Inherited from the IList interface, but not implemented.
Clear Inherited from the IList interface, but not implemented.
Contains This method determines whether the ComponentCollection contains a specific Component.
CopyTo This method copies the elements of the ComponentCollection to an Array, starting at a particular index.
Dispose This method is an implementation of the IDisposable.Dispose method that releases unmanaged resources held by an instance of the ComponentCollection class.
GetEnumerator This method returns an enumerator that iterates through the ComponentCollection.
IndexOf This method determines the index of a specific Component in the ComponentCollection.
Insert Inherited from the IList interface, but not implemented.
Open This method opens the specified component file and populates the ComponentCollection.
Remove Inherited from the IList interface, but not implemented.
RemoveAt Inherited from the IList interface, but not implemented.


Property Description
CmpVersion [Read-only] This property returns the version number of the ComponentCollection.
Count [Read-only] This property returns the number of components in the ComponentCollection.
Description [Read-only] This property returns the description of the ComponentCollection.
Item [Read-only] This property returns a specific Component from the ComponentCollection.
Title [Read-only] This property returns the title of the ComponentCollection.