HDAPIServerResponseVisible Method
This function returns a value indicating whether or not the modal server response is currently visible or not. If the server response is visible, all the input fields of the interview are currently obscured and unavailable for interaction, and other API functions (such as InvokeButton) will not function.

JavaScript API: Direct
Assembly: api.js Version: (

function ServerResponseVisible();

Return Value

Type: boolean
true if the modal server response is currently blocking the interview; false if not.

The "modal server response" mentioned above is the user interface displayed when the user clicks the Document Preview, Save Answers, Answer Summary, or Help buttons on the interview toolbar. In the case of Document Preview and Save Answers, it displays the response of the page to which the answers were submitted in an IFRAME; for the other cases, where nothing is posted to the server, the information appears in a simple DIV.
See Also
