HDAPISetButtonVisibility Method
This function lets callers hide individual buttons on the toolbar or navigation bar. It can also be used to hide the entire toolbar or navigation bar.

JavaScript API: Direct
Assembly: api.js Version: (

function SetButtonVisibility(buttonId, bVisible);


Type: SystemString
This is the button's unique identifier. See Remarks for list of built-in interview buttons, or supply a custom button ID as returned from the HDAPI.AddCustomNavButton or HDAPI.AddCustomToolbarButton methods.
Type: SystemBoolean
Indicates whether or not the button, toolbar, or navigation bar should be made visible.

The following built-in button IDs can be provided for the buttonId parameter:
Button IDDescription
HDNavigationBarThe entire navigation bar.
HDNextPage The Next Dialog button on the navigation bar. If you hide this button, you should be sure to expose some alternate UI for allowing the user to progress through the interview.
HDPrevPage The Previous Dialog button on the navigation bar.
HDFirstPage The First Dialog button on the navigation bar.
HDLastPage The Last Dialog button on the navigation bar.
HDFinish The Finish button on the navigation bar.
HDNextUnans The Next Unanswered button on the navigation bar.
HDPrevUnans The Previous Unanswered button on the navigation bar.
HDToolBarThe entire interview toolbar.
HDAnsSummary The Answer Summary button on the interview toolbar.
HDSaveAnswers The Save Answers button on the interview toolbar.
HDOutlineToggle The Interview Outline Toggle button on the interview toolbar.
HDInstUpdateToggle The Instant Update Toggle button on the interview toolbar. (HotDocs Server 10 interviews only.)
HDSinglePageToggle The Single Page Interview Toggle button on the interview toolbar.
HDResourcePaneToggle The Resource Pane Toggle button on the interview toolbar.
HDHelp The Help button on the interview toolbar.
HDDocPreview The Document Preview button on the interview toolbar.
HDIcon The HotDocs Icon on the interview toolbar.

The following example defines the HDInterviewOptions.OnInit method where we can set the initial visibility of the "next unanswered dialog" button to false (hidden):
var HDInterviewOptions = {
    OnInit: function()
        HDAPI.SetButtonVisibility("HDNextUnans", false);
See Also
