Configuring iManage Work to Connect with HotDocs Advance

HotDocs Advance is an iManage Universal Application. You can configure iManage to connect with Advance, then users can save assembled documents to your organization's iManage Work application.

Some of the following instructions refer to actions within the iManage environment and were correct at time of publication but may since have changed.


  • You must be running iManage Work 10.
  • You must have an iManage Work administrator role with access to iManage Control Center.

If you are upgrading an existing instance of HotDocs Advance to v1.29, please contact HotDocs Support for information on additional steps required.


Configuring iManage Work with HotDocs Advance requires the following steps:

  1. Add your iManage domain to the content security policy of your Advance installation.
  2. Configure the HotDocs Advance application in iManage Work.
  3. Edit the site settings of your Advance installation.

To add your iManage domain to the Content Security Policy:

You must add your iManage domain name to the Content Security Policy of your Advance installation. Follow the procedure to edit the settings file to make the following change:

  • In the HdaInstallerSettings.json file, add your iManage domain name against the UiSiteSettings.AppSettings.CspCustomSources setting.

If you cannot find the UiSiteSettings.AppSettings.CspCustomSources setting in the HdaInstallerSettings.json file, add this setting manually and then type in your iManage domain name.

To configure the HotDocs Advance Application in iManage Work:

In the iManage Work Control Center, navigate to Applications and add an application using the manual configuration option. 

Advance requires the following information to integrate successfully:

  • Configuration:
    • API Key - HotDocs suggests using a GUID
    • API Secret

Make a note of the API key and API secret, you must enter these when editing the Site Settings in Advance

  • Authentication:
    • Redirect URL - your HotDocs Advance URL. The format required is: https://{rootsubdomain}.{appDomain}/{UiUrl}/authsuccess, e.g.
    • enable refresh tokens

Next steps