Viewing a Report of Root User Activities

You can download tenancy reports from the Reports section of the Advance root application.

You can create a details of root user activities report showing details of all tenancies in Advance. For example, you use this report if you want to view the type of actions that Root Administrators perform on specific tenancies.

You must have the Root Administrator role to view tenancy reports.


You can download a report from the Advance root application showing the following information:

Column title Description
Account login name The user's email address.
Account ID The unique identifier for each user. 
Account type States whether the user is a standard user, a client or a service.
Target resource type The target resource changed, e.g. Tenancy or Subscription details.
Target resource name The tenancy's name.
Target resource ID The unique identifier for the target resource.
Action type The type of action performed by a user, e.g. "Edit", "Delete", "SoftDelete", "Read", "Create", "Save", "Submit", and "Access".
Action summary A description of the action performed by the user, e.g. "Tenancy edited" or "Tenancy subscription created".
Action description A further description of the target resource on which the user performed the action.
Request identifier The unique identifier of each request for audit information.
Request IP address The IP address from which the audit information was requested.

To view root user activities report

  1. Log in to the Advance Root Application.
  2. In the header, click Reports.
  3. Select Details of root user activities report.

The report is downloaded in CSV format. You can open the downloaded report file using an application on your own computer. For example, using a spreadsheet application.

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