Reports Overview

A Report is a CSV file you download from HotDocs Advance or Advance root. Reports enable you to view and monitor the usage of templates, user activities, and actions. 

For example, if you want to track the creation and completion of client and public interview links, you can generate a client and public interview report from Advance for a specific tenancy.


Reports enable administrators to generate and download reports for specific tenancies. You can download reports from Advance and the Advance root application. Each of these applications provide a specific set of reports. For example, Site Administrators can download a report in Advance with details of users and how they are assembling documents. If you have Root Administrator permissions, you can download a report in the Advance root application with details of individual tenancies.

Reporting in Advance

The reports available in Advance include:

  • Client and public interview report — information about client and public interviews in Advance, including date created, date submitted, template name, and so on.
  • Document assembly activity by user report — information about document assemblies in Advance, including user's name, account type, work item and quick document ID, etc.
  • Template usage report — information about template usage in Advance, including template name, total work items for each template, and total assemblies and documents for each template.
  • Template usage over time report — information about template usage over time in Advance, including template name, calendar month, and total work items or quick documents for each template.
  • Administrative actions report - (last 90 days) — information about the changes administrators make in Advance applications, including name, unique client name, and actions.

Reporting in Advance root

The reports available in Advance root include: