HotDocs Advance API Reference Documentation

You can view the latest reference documentation for the Advance API at, where is the domain under which your Advance deployment is located.

The reference documentation contains details of all public API methods. For selected examples of using the API, see Using the API Overview.

API Resources

When making an HTTP request, the following resources are available. See also Advance concepts for API users.

Resource Description Advance Stores: Related Tasks


A template package is a zipped package of files sent to Advance when a template is uploaded from HotDocs Author. The template package contains the template files and associated metadata files.
The template
  • The name and description of the template package.
  • The template identifier.
  • The live version number.
  • Whether the template package is active.
  • A list of the template package's versions.
You can:
  • select whether the template is active


When you upload a zipped template package from Author, Advance creates a new version of the template. Before users can assemble a document, a template must have a live version.
  • The ID of the template package.
  • The ID of the template package version.
  • The version number.
  • Information on the creator of the template package version and when they created it.
  • The live from date.
  • The approval status of the template package version.
  • The content of the template package version.
You can:
  • forward publish by setting the date and time from which a template version is accessible to users
  • get a template's variable data


A user group is a collection of user accounts, used to control access to work groups. Users can only access a work group if they are included in a user group that is allocated to that work group.
  • The name, ID and description of the user group.
  • The date the user group was created.
  • The date the user group was last updated.
  • The type of user group, e.g. active directory user group.
  • The list of users assigned to the group.
  • Whether the user group is active.
You can:
  • make user groups active
  • add users to a group


A user account within Advance. Users may have additional administrative roles, which provide them with authorization to perform specific actions in Advance.
  • The name, username and ID of the user.
  • The date of the user's last login.
  • The user's email address.
  • The administrative role of the user.
  • Whether the user is active.
You can:  


A work group is a named location in which users can create work items. Users can only create work items in a work group if they are included in a user group that is allocated to that work group. Work groups are used to control access to template packages; users can only access template packages which have been allocated to their work group.
  • The name, ID and description of the work group.
  • The date the work group was last modified.
  • Whether the work group is set to have all templates.
  • The template packages assigned to the work group.
  • The user groups assigned to the work group.
  • The work items within the work group.
You can:
  • make a work group active
  • allocate user groups to a work group
  • assign templates to a work group
  • get a list of the work items in a group


A work item is a named entity in HotDocs Advance with which you can enter and edit answer data, and assemble documents from that data, for a specific template package. Users create work items through their allocated work groups.
By default, work items are accessible to any user that has access to the work group. You can make work items private, so that only the user that created the work item can access it.


  • The name and ID of the work item.
  • The name of the work group in which the work item sits.
  • Information on the work item creator and when they created it.
  • Information on the last editor of the work item and when they edited it.
  • The owner of the work item.
  • The status of the work item, e.g. "New".
  • The sharing status of the work item.
  • The choice of template used to generate the assemble document.
  • Any assembled documents generated.
  • Information on any in-progress assembly sessions.
You can:


An answer file is XML that comprises an answer set. When creating a work item using the API, you can optionally supply an XML string in the request. Advance can then assemble documents for the work item using the supplied answer file.
  • The ID of the answer file.
  • The date the answer file was created.
  • The ID of the assembly session for the answer file.
  • The content of the answer file.
You can:
  • download a work item's answer file


An assembly session is a specific instance of the document assembly process in the Core Assembly Service. Using assembly sessions, you can manage the creation of new versions of a work item and assemble documents.
In-progress assembly sessions can be saved or completed. When a user completes an assembly session, Advance creates a new version of the work item, with a new set of assembled documents.
  • The ID of the work item.
  • The version ID for the assembly session (named either the versionId or HdaSessionId).
  • The answer file for the work item.
You can:


The assembled documents created by processing an answer file and template package in an assembly session.
  • The name, filename and ID of the document.
  • The order the document is assembled.
  • The assembly session ID for the document.
  • The MIME type of the document, e.g. "Word".
  • The content of the document.
  • The date the document was created.
You can:
  • download assembled documents