HotDocs Advance Web Application Overview

The HotDocs Advance web application is the web-based tool you use to organize uploaded templates, launch interviews, and download assembled documents. For example, using the HotDocs Advance web application, you can generate individualized loan applications, court forms, sales proposals, business contracts, medical forms, and more.


The HotDocs Advance web application is a web-based tool that enables you to deploy and manage templates created with HotDocs Author or Developer. You can organize and manage your uploaded templates, launch interviews to gather data from template users, and download assembled documents containing the data entered by the template users. In fact, from a single template, you can generate an infinite number of similar (but individualized) documents.

Quick Start

See the Quick Start guide for steps explaining how to log in and get started using Advance.


See the Advance installation overview if you are installing Advance in your own environment.

Common Tasks

Among others, the HotDocs Advance web application enables you to perform the following common tasks:


With the templates uploaded, you then use the HotDocs Advance web application to deliver interviews and to assemble any number of individualized documents based on those templates. To do this, you assign an uploaded template to a Work Group based on department, topic area, etc. With a template in a Work Group, you can then create a Work Item, which enables you to launch a data-gathering interview based on a template you select. Once the template user completes the interview, the Work Item provides you with a link to download the assembled document—the client-specific document that contains information gathered in the interview, in the locations you specified when you created your template.


For information on licensing, contact HotDocs sales and support.