Advance Auth Application Overview

The Advance auth application is a back-end interface of Advance which Site Administrators use to manage authorization settings for a tenancy in your on-premise installation. For example, you can use the auth application to create API clients.


Root Administrators use the auth application to manage authorization settings. Typically you will only need to use this application if you are using the Advance API to integrate Advance with your own applications.

Logging into this application provides you with a user interface to manage the API clients for a tenancy in your Advance deployment. Only Root Administrators can add and edit API clients.

Common Tasks

Among others, you can use the Advance auth application to perform the following common tasks:


The URL for the auth application typically looks like If you changed the default AuthWebAppName value in the installer settings file, the auth application may have a different name.


You will only need to use this application if you are using the Advance API to integrate Advance with your own applications. Using the API requires you to create one or more clients to access the API. You log into the auth application to add and edit client credentials.