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Administrative Roles Overview

Administrative roles are predefined sets of permissions that you allocate to users, enabling them to perform specific actions in HotDocs Advance.

For example, you would allocate the Author role to users uploading templates to Advance from HotDocs Author.


Administrative roles enable you to control what actions an individual user can perform in Advance. For example, whether a user can upload templates or create user groups. You can assign different types of administrative role to Advance users

If no administrative role is chosen, Advance will assign the user the default Template User role.

Specific user roles may perform actions that are not available to other roles. For example, Authors may not create new users, while Site Administrators can create new users. The user roles, and the actions they can perform in Advance, are defined below.

Common Tasks


You allocate an administrative role to a user when creating a new user account. You can also edit an existing user's user role on the Manage users page.

User Roles

The different user roles in Advance, and the actions users allocated those roles can perform, are described below.

Site Administrator

A Site Administrator can administer work items, work groups, users, user groups, and templates in Advance. They can also manage public interview links and integration settings for an Advance site.

Site Administrator also has all the permissions of the Integration Administrator, Content Administrator, Author, and Template User.

Integration Administrator

An Integration Administrator can manage integration settings for an Advance site. They have permission to perform actions such as creating and editing action links, webhooks, and workflow.

An Integration Administrator also have has all the permissions of the Site Administrator.

Content Administrator

A Content Administrator can administer work groups in Advance. They have permission to perform actions such as creating and editing work groups as well as adding templates and assigning user groups to work groups. 

A Content Administrator also has all the permissions of the Author and Template User roles.


An Author can upload templates from HotDocs Author to Advance. The Author role also has all the permissions of the Template User.

Template User

A Template User is the user role assigned by default. A template user can use the templates uploaded to Advance to create work items and download assembled documents. They have permission to perform actions on work items for which they are the owner.

Common Reference Topics

For a complete list of permissions available to each user role, see HotDocs Advance Roles and Permissions.