Resource Owner Flow Authorization Example

This examples below provide code for getting an access token using the Resource Owner flow.


Code Examples


using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HotDocsAdvanceApiExamples
    public class ResourceOwnerAuthorization
        // These are the credentials required for retrieving an access token using the resource owner flow.
        // You will replace these credentials with those for a client you create yourself,
        // using the Advance Client Management Application. See the API help guide for more information.
        private string clientName = "ab3e4544-b595-4681-b0ea-c7c18c9b63f6";
        private string servicePrincipalName = "ExampleServicePrincipalA";
        private string servicePrincipalPassword = "examplePassword";
        public async Task<string> GetResourceOwnerToken()
            // Create the access token request            
            var request = CreateHttpRequestMessage();
            //Send token request to Advance
            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
                // Return the retrieved access token
                return response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
        private HttpRequestMessage CreateHttpRequestMessage()
            var tokenUrl = string.Format("");

            return new HttpRequestMessage
                RequestUri = new Uri(tokenUrl),
                Method = HttpMethod.Post,
                Content = GetRequestContent()
        private StringContent GetRequestContent()
            var json = "{" + string.Format("'ClientName' : '{0}', 'PrincipalName' : '{1}', 'PrincipalPassword' : 
	'{2}'", clientName, servicePrincipalName, servicePrincipalPassword) + "}";
            return new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");


$body = @{
    ClientName = "ExampleClientA"
    PrincipalName = "ExampleServicePrincipalA"
    PrincipalPassword = "examplePassword"
} | ConvertTo-Json
$header = @{
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Method 'Post' -Body $body -Headers $header
Write-Host $result