Answer Files Overview
An answer file contains answers HotDocs gathers from a test interview that is created by using the Save Answers function. For example, after you provide the answers to a series of questions during a test interview, you can save the answers to an answer file in order to reuse those answers when performing later test interviews (even those in different templates or workspaces).
Answer files eliminate the need for you to re-enter information you have already provided during a test interview, thus saving you time as you create and test one or more templates. An answer file uses the .anx extension and saves its data in the XML format. You can use the answer file for testing purposes, or upload it to Advance when creating a work item
Common Tasks
- Saving an answer file locally
- Using an existing answer file for a test interview
- Changing where HotDocs saves answer files
- Testing a template
You use answer files when testing a template by clicking the Save Answers or Open Answers button. For example, after answering all the questions posed by a particular interview, you can click Save Answers to open the Save answer file dialog box. Once you save the answer file, you can later reuse the answers in a test interview using the Open Answers button. When you use the open answers feature, HotDocs will inspect the template you are currently testing for any components with the same names as those in the answer file, and when a match is found, populate your test interview with the answers from the answer file (any non-matches are OK). Careful use of answer files can help you build a template (and especially a package of templates) more efficiently.
Common Reference Topics
Among others, the following reference topics may relate to this conceptual area: