
 A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V   W    X    Y    Z


Term Definition See Also
- An operator that subtracts number values or a prefix operator that makes a number value negative.  
!= An operator that evaluates to “true” if two values are unequal.  
% A postfix operator that divides a number value by 100.  
* An operator that multiplies number values.  
/ An operator that divides number values.  
+ An operator that adds number values or concatenates text values.  
< An operator that evaluates to “true” if the value to the left is a less than the value to the right.  
<= An operator that evaluates to “true” if the value to the left is less than or equal to the value to the right.  
= An operator that evaluates to “true” if two values are equal.  
> An operator that evaluates to “true” if the value to the left is a greater than the value to the right.  
>= An operator that evaluates to “true” if the value to the left is greater than or equal to the value to the right.  


Term Definition See Also
.anx File name extension designating a HotDocs XML answer file that contains an answer set.  
.cmp File name extension designating a HotDocs component file that contains definitions for all of the components used in the template.


.config File name extension designating a template configuration file containing template properties, including the link between a template and its component file.


.docx File name extension designating both a Microsoft Word document and a HotDocs DOCX template file.  
.hpt File name extension designating a HotDocs PDF form template.  
.hdint File name extension designating a HotDocs answer intake file (a template-like construct whose output is an interview).  
.hdw File name extension designating a workspace. HotDocs recognizes a folder containing a .HDW file as a workspace.  
.pdf File name extension designating an Adobe Portable Document Format file.  
.ttx File name extension designating a plain text template file.  
.txt File name extension designating a Plain Text Document.  


Term Definition See Also
ABSOLUTE VALUE A function that returns the absolute value (the number itself without a negative or positive sign) of the number value you specify.  
Active Directory User Groups See Microsoft’s Help site.  
AD Group See Active Directory User Groups.  
ADD An instruction that enables you to add options. See also: CLEAR.  
Additional Information Supplemental help text (or an external URL) you provide to help your template users better understand how to answer a question in an interview.  
AGE A function that calculates the number of years between the current date (as determined by the system clock) and the value of the Date variable you specify.  
AND An operator that evaluates to “true” if the expressions to the left and right of the operator evaluate to true.  
answer function models Drag and drop function examples that perform set functions on answer data; these contain placeholder values indicating the type of data you need to add to make them work.  
answer file A file (.anx) you can save locally to store the answers gathered by a Test interview.  
answer flow-through The process of creating and using same-named variables in multiple templates so that a template user can use the same answers to assemble multiple documents.  
answer intake A template-like construct (.hdint) consisting of a "stand-alone" component file and an interview computation for gathering answers without (usually) assembling a document. Answer Intake Overview
answer set A collection of related answers you gather using one or more interviews; an answer set is the only memory storage that HotDocs has (HotDocs does not store any computed values).  
Answer Summary A tab in the interview window that displays the list of interview questions and their current answers.  
ANSWERED A function that evaluates whether the template user answered the variable or dialog you specify in the interview.  
answer A value HotDocs acquires in an interview and stores in an answer set (HotDocs does not store any computed values). See also ANSWERED, answer summary,  answer flow-through, answer file. Answers Overview
APPEND An instruction that appends one PDF template to the end of another, no matter where you position the APPEND in the template.  
ASCEND An instruction that sorts a list of answers (generated from a repeated dialog) in ascending order by a variable you specify from that dialog.  
ASK An instruction that tells HotDocs to display in the interview the dialog or variable you specify.  
assemble To create a document by processing a HotDocs template in combination with a set of answers.  
ASSEMBLE An instruction that adds a template you specify to the assembly queue.  
assembled document The file HotDocs creates as the result of the document assembly process.  
assembly The HotDocs process that produces an assembled document by processing HotDocs instructions and replacing placeholder fields in the template with answer data. See also: assemble.  
assembly queue The sequence in which documents are assembled when a template instructs HotDocs to assemble more than one document.  
author To create a HotDocs template using the HotDocs Author application. See also: automate.  
Author Add-in A Microsoft Word add-in that contains the Author tab on the Word ribbon and the HotDocs Field Editor.  
Author tab Part of the HotDocs Author Add-in for Word that appears on the Word ribbon and contains buttons to access various interfaces for interacting with the template.  
automate The process of converting a document into a HotDocs template. See also: author.  
auxiliary template Any HotDocs template you reference from your current template to augment the contents and functionality of your current template.  


Term Definition See Also
Built-in Table A variant of a Fixed Table component, a Built-in Table is a built-in option source on a Single Select or Multi Select variable that only supports text values. Option Source Overview, Single Select Variable Overview, Multi Select View



Term Definition See Also
CEILING A function that returns the smallest integer that is not less than the number value you specify.  
child dialog A dialog added to the contents of another dialog. See also: parent dialog, nested repeat.  
CLEAR An instruction that removes all current options. See also: ADD.  
comment A single line of explanatory text you can add (using a Comment Block) within a HotDocs script (and on an individual field in a template); this does not affect the functioning of the script.  
component a uniquely named building block of a HotDocs template with attributes and rules (properties) that define its appearance and behavior in an interview, the way it handles answer data, and how HotDocs applies that data when assembling a document. Components Overview
component file The file (.cmp) that stores components for one or more templates.  
component file properties The attributes of a component file that govern component processing during document assembly.  
Component Studio An interface in HotDocs Author for working with components and setting component file properties.  
Composer The application in HotDocs Author you use to build answer intakes and plain text templates.  
computation A component that contains a function you create (using a sequence of instructions and expressions in the HotDocs scripting language) to calculate and return a value of a given data type (number, date, text, true/false); alternatively, you can create a computation that performs some other task, such as a defining an interview.  
Computation Editor

Review with team

The Component Studio editor you use to create and edit scripts in computations for accomplishing tasks such as defining a custom interview, or calculating a value that you can place into assembled documents.  
Computation RESULT A system local variable (in computations) that stores the result of the computation while it is processed; the computation returns the value of RESULT once it is completely processed.  
condition A function that HotDocs can evaluate as either true or false, typically used in IF and WHILE instructions.  
conditional region An area of a template or script whose boundaries you establish using a set of instructions – including IF, ELSE, ELSE IF, and END IF; HotDocs only processes this area during assembly if the instruction’s condition evaluates to true.  
configuration file The .config file that stores template properties including the association between a template and a component file (e.g. templatename.docx.config).  
CONTAINS An operator that evaluates to “true” if the text on the left contains the text on the right.  
COUNT A function that counts either the number of options a template user selects for a specific Multiple Choice variable; or it counts the answers a template user provides for a repeated dialog you specify.  
COUNTER A function provides you with the current repetition number of a repeated dialog.  
custom interview An interview you define using a custom interview computation. See also: default interview.  
custom interview computation A computation you create to control the order in which HotDocs displays interview questions.  
current language The language of the interview that is active at any particular point of execution in the interview runtime. Environment language, Interview language, Template Properties Dialog Box, Template Language Choices Overview


Term Definition See Also
data type A classification identifying the kinds of data available in the HotDocs scripting language, to wit: text, number, date, true/false. Values Overview
Date A HotDocs data type that stores a date.  
DATE - DAYS An operator that calculates a new date value by subtracting the number of days from a date you specify.  
DATE != DATE An operator that returns a value of true if the two date values you specify are not equal.  
DATE - MONTHS An operator that calculates a new date value by subtracting the number of months from a DATE you specify.  
DATE - YEARS An operator that calculates a new date value by subtracting the number of years from a date you specify.  
DATE + DAYS An operator that calculates a new date value by adding the number of days to a DATE you specify.  
DATE < DATE An operator that returns a value of true if the first date value is less than the second date value.  
DATE <= DATE An operator that returns a value of true if the first date value is less than or equal to the second date value.  
DATE + MONTHS An operator that calculates a new date value by adding the number of months to a DATE you specify.  
DATE + YEARS An operator that calculates a new date value by adding the number of years to a DATE you specify.  
DATE = DATE An operator that returns a value of true if the two date values you specify are the same.  
DATE > DATE An operator that returns a value of true if the first date value is greater than the second date value.  
DATE >= DATE An operator that returns a value of true if the first date value is greater than or equal to the second date value.  
Date expressions models Drag and drop expression examples that modify date values; these contain "fill in" values indicating the type of data you need to add to make them work.  
DATE OF A function that returns a day, month, and year date value by formatting the three number values you specify as inputs to the function.  
Date variable A type of variable that represents an unknown date value.  
date value The data type that only accepts data in the form of a date; in the HotDocs scripting language, when you supply a date value, you must use a computation or system function that returns a date value or type the value in the following format: 16 APR 1746.


DAY OF A function that returns a number_value value (1 to 31) for the day portion of the date you specify.  
DAY OF WEEK A function that converts a Date variable's answer to a number (between 1 and 7) corresponding to the day of the week the date falls on.  
DAYS FROM A function that returns the number of days between two dates.  
DECREMENT An instruction that decreases the value of a Number variable you specify by 1. See also: INCREMENT, COUNTER.  
DEFAULT An instruction that provides an initial editable answer for the variable you specify (if it is unanswered). See also: Three-valued logic.  
default interview The standard order in which HotDocs displays variables and dialogs in an interview if you have not defined a custom interview.  
DESCEND An instruction that sorts a list of answers (generated from a repeated dialog) in descending order by a variable you specify from that dialog.  
Developer See HotDocs Developer.  
dialog A HotDocs component that presents other components (usually variables) in an interview; you often use a dialog to group related variables together to improve the usability and flow of an interview.  
Dialog Editor The part of the Component Studio where you edit the properties of a given dialog.  
dialog element A component you can use to add additional text, images, dividers, spacers, script links, and web links to dialogs to make them more visually appealing and informative during the interview.  
dialog Instructions models Drag and drop instruction examples for use in dialogs; these contain "fill in" values indicating the type of data you need to add to make them work.  
dialog script A HotDocs script you can create in the Dialog Editor’s Script tab.  
dialog validation expression models Drag and drop expression examples for use in dialogs; these contain "fill in" values indicating the type of data you need to add to make them work.  
Divider Dialog Element A component that adds a horizontal divider to a dialog.  
document assembly The HotDocs process that produces an assembled document by processing HotDocs instructions and replacing placeholder fields in the template with answer data. See also: assembly.  
document automation The process of converting a document into a HotDocs template.  
document management system A third-party application that stores and tracks various data files; this may include HotDocs files, such as assembled documents.  
Document Preview A tab in the interview window that displays to template users the current state of the assembled document, based on their answers. See also: answer summary and interview tab.  
DOCX template A HotDocs template (.docx) you create using the HotDocs Author Add-in for Microsoft Word.  
duplicate Copying an existing variable to create a new one in the same component file.  


Term Definition See Also
ELSE An instruction that adds a branch to an existing conditional region which HotDocs only processes if the preceding IF/ELSE IF conditions are false. See also: IF, ELSE IF, END IF.  
ELSE IF An instruction, that adds a branch to an existing conditional region which HotDocs only processes if the preceding IF condition is false. See also: IF, ELSE, END IF.  
END IF An instruction that defines the end of a conditional region. See also: IF, ELSE IF, ELSE.  
end of Interview dialog A dialog box HotDocs displays when a template user completes an interview; it may contain download links for any assembled documents.  
END REPEAT An instruction that designates the end of a repeated region.  
END WHILE An instruction that designates the end of a WHILE region.  
ENDS WITH An operator that evaluates to “true” if the text on the left ends with the text on the right.  
environment language The language and locale of the application or environment within which an interview appears. Current language, Interview language, Template Properties Dialog Box, Template Language Choices Overview
ERASE An instruction that deletes answers from the interview for a variable or dialog you specify.  
errors A list of unresolved issues in the template that HotDocs displays in Workspace Explorer, Component Studio, and Field Editor.  
ERRORTEXT A system local variable (available only in dialog scripts) that enables you to set an error message to display on a dialog when the error condition you specify occurs during the interview.  
explicit index A reference to a specific answer in a list of answers corresponding to a particular variable on a repeated dialog; you typically use this index number in a HotDocs script to retrieve a specific answer, e.g. SET temp TO EmployeeName[1].  
EXPONENTIAL A function that uses the number value you specify as the exponent of e (roughly 2.71828) to calculate exponential growth.  
expression A single statement in the HotDocs Scripting language that resolves to a value; an expression can range in complexity from a single literal value or a variable (which represents a value stored in an answer set), to a calculation based on any combination of literal values, variables, operators, or functions (whether system functions or computation components). Expressions Overview


Term Definition See Also
Fast Field Insertion Tool A small popup window that enables you to quickly add an existing variable to your template.  
field delimiters The characters that visually indicate where a HotDocs field begins and ends.  
Field Editor See HotDocs Field Editor.  
file name extension A suffix appended to a file name that identifies the type and intended use of the file.  
FILTER An instruction that uses a computation you specify to remove entries from a list of answers generated from a repeated dialog.  
filter computation A computation in which you define a condition you use in a REPEAT instruction; HotDocs processes only those answers from the repeated dialog that meet the condition.  
financial expressions models Drag and drop expression examples that perform specific financial calculations; these contain "fill in" values indicating the type of data you need to add to make them work.  
FIRST A function returns the number of characters you specify from the beginning of the text string you specify.  
Fixed Table A component that enables you to create rows and columns of known data that determine the options your template user can choose from to answer an interview question; you present this choice using a Single Select or Multi Select variable, which also enable you to specify the value HotDocs uses to represent your user's answer in the assembled document. Fixed Table Overview
fixed value An answer value you set in a HotDocs script; template users cannot change the answer value.  
FLOOR A function that returns the largest integer that is not larger than the number value you specify.  
form document See PDF document.  
FORMAT function A function evaluates an expression and then converts its resulting date, number or true/false value into a text value.  
FORMAT instruction An instruction that enables you to type a list format to punctuate a list of answers you gather using a repeated dialog.  
form template See PDF template.  
format A variable or field property you set to define the pattern HotDocs uses to format answers or other values in assembled documents; for example, you can use the 'LIKE THIS' text format to capitalize all letters in a name, the 'nine' number format to spell out a numeral, or the pattern 'dd/mm/yyyy' to format a date answer as text.  
function A named calculation in the HotDocs scripting language that takes zero or more values as inputs (parameters) and produces a single value as a result; the HotDocs scripting language includes system functions, but also enables you to create your own (computations). Functions Overview
function model An example function with "fill in" values that appears in the Models area of the Script tab of the Computation Editor, Dialog Editor and Expression Editor.  
FUTURE VALUE A function that calculates the final amount including interest. See also: PAYMENT, PRESENT VALUE, RATE, TERM.  


Term Definition See Also
GRAY An instruction that stops the template user from interacting with the component you specify, but keeps it visible on the dialog. See also: GRAY ALL, UNGRAY, UNGRAY ALL.  
GRAY ALL An instruction that stops the template user from interacting with any components on the dialog but keeps them visible. See also: GRAY, UNGRAY, UNGRAY ALL.  


Term Definition See Also
HIDE An instruction that makes the component you specify invisible to the template user during an interview. See also: HIDE ALL, SHOW, or SHOW ALL.  
HIDE ALL An instruction that makes all of the components on the dialog invisible to the template user during an interview. See also: HIDE, SHOW, or SHOW ALL.  
host application A web application that exposes HotDocs Server or Cloud Services functionality – for example, document assembly and/or interviews – to template users.  
HotDocs Advance Suite

The suite of applications that includes the HotDocs Advance web application and HotDocs Author (the desktop-based template authoring tool).


HotDocs Advance Web Application The web application you use to organize uploaded templates, launch interviews, and download assembled documents.  
HotDocs Author The application you use to build HotDocs templates.  
HotDocs Author Add-in for Word A Microsoft Word add-in that provides the Author tab (on the Word ribbon) and the HotDocs Field Editor.  
HotDocs Author tab Part of the HotDocs Author Add-in for Word that appears on the Word ribbon; it provides access to Author tools (such as Component Studio) and functionality, such as setting template properties, changing field appearance, testing the template, etc.  
HotDocs Automator

A classic HotDocs application that enables you to create PDF templates.


HotDocs Cloud Services A classic HotDocs application that enables users to load interviews and download assembled documents in a web browser.


HotDocs Core The service HotDocs uses for interview generation and document assembly.  
HotDocs Developer A classic HotDocs application that enables template authors to create classic HotDocs templates.  
HotDocs Developer LE A classic HotDocs application that enables template authors to create HotDocs templates that lack some advanced features provided in HotDocs Developer.  
HotDocs field A placeholder in the template that indicates where template users' answers appear or where a specific instruction executes during document assembly.  
HotDocs Field Editor A pane the HotDocs Author plug-in adds to Microsoft Word to enable you to add HotDocs fields to a HotDocs template and then edit the properties within each field.  
HotDocs Market The HotDocs e-commerce and publisher platform that enables publishers to sell template subscriptions to their customers.  
HotDocs Player A classic HotDocs application that enables users to assemble published, registered templates in a desktop environment.  
HotDocs script The instructions and expressions of the HotDocs scripting language you can use to cause HotDocs to perform certain tasks in your template or answer intake.  
HotDocs scripting language The complete set of instructions, functions, operators, and other keywords you use to write HotDocs script.  
HotDocs Server The classic on-premise server-based version of HotDocs that enables you to integrate HotDocs functionality (interviews and document assembly) with your existing document workflow.  
HotDocs template A document-based HotDocs application you build in HotDocs Author to gather answer data from users and produce customized documents specific to each user. HotDocs Templates Overview
HotDocs template package A compressed file HotDocs creates when you upload a template to HotDocs Advance that contains all of the template files necessary for Advance to assemble a document.  
HotDocs User A classic HotDocs application that enables template users to assemble HotDocs templates created using HotDocs Developer.  
HotDocs Web Services A classic web service that exposes HotDocs Server functionality via an Application Programming Interface (API).  


Term Definition See Also
IF An instruction that creates the start of a conditional region. See also: ELSE IF, ELSE, END IF  
Image Dialog Element A component that adds an image to a dialog.  
import The process of copying a template from another workspace into the current workspace.  
import a workspace The process of copying the contents of another workspace into the current workspace.  
INCREMENT An instruction that increases (by 1) the value of a Number variable you specify. See also: DECREMENT, COUNTER.  
input mask A text pattern you can use to ensure your template user provides an answer in the correct form when answering a Text variable in the interview.  
INSERT An instruction that places the contents of a file you specify at the location of the INSERT during document assembly.  
instruction A keyword in the HotDocs scripting language that tells HotDocs to perform a specific action, such as ASKing a dialog at a specific place in the interview.  
instruction field A field that tells HotDocs where to process a specific HotDocs instruction.  
instruction model An example instruction, with placeholder text for needed types of values (for example: numbers, text, dates, etc.); these models appear on the Models tab to the right of the editor when you select the Script tab in a computation or dialog editor.  
INTEGER A function that converts the text value you specify to a number value by scanning the text from left to right for a contiguous set of digits, stopping when it encounters a character that is not a digit; it then returns the contiguous digits it encounters as a number value. If no digits precede the first non-digit character, or if the text is empty, the function returns zero.  
interview A series of interactive dialogs containing questions used to gather data from your template users. HotDocs generates the interview content from the variables and dialogs you define in your template.  
interview computation A computation containing HotDocs scripting you add to define how a custom interview looks and functions.  
interview event dialog element A dialog element to add a button or hyperlink to a dialog to connect to an external data source in a HotDocs Advance interview. Webhook
interview language The language you choose for the interview to run in. Current language, Environment language,  Template Properties Dialog Box, Template Language Choices Overview
interview link A direct link you provide your template users to access an interview for a template stored in HotDocs Advance.  
interview outline The leftmost pane of the interview window that you use to navigate the dialogs in the interview.  


Term Definition See Also
key A designation you give to a column in a fixed table, built-in table, or a variable on a repeated dialog that indicates which column or variable contains unique data; by default the values in the key column or variable appear in the assembled document. Option Sources Overview
keyword A word that has a particular meaning in the HotDocs scripting language, one that causes HotDocs to calculate a value or perform a task; the most notable keywords include instructions, system functions, system local variables, and operators. HotDocs Scripting Language Keywords


Term Definition See Also
LANGUAGE An instruction that formats any date or number values in your assembled document according the rules of a particular language.  
LAST A function that finds and returns the number of characters you specify from the end of the text string you specify.  
LENGTH A function that returns the number of characters (including spaces and punctuation) in the text string you specify.  
LIMIT An instruction that restricts the number of iterations a template user can add to a repeated dialog.  
list punctuation marker A type of marker field that tells HotDocs how to punctuate multiple items of data as a list.  
literal A representation (in the HotDocs scripting language), of a specific known value. Literals, HotDocs Scripting Language Syntax
live version The version of a template that non-administrative users can assemble in HotDocs Advance. N.B. The last uploaded version of a template might not be the live version.  
local variable A component you create and use only within a computation or dialog script to represent an unknown value pertinent only within that script. See also: Parameter, Variable  
LOGARITHM A function that returns the common logarithm (base 10) of the number value you specify.  
logical expression models Drag and drop expression examples that produce true/false values (typically by comparing two answer values); these contain placeholder values indicating the type of data you need to add to make them work.  


Term Definition See Also
manual Index See explicit index.  
marker field A type of HotDocs field that tells HotDocs how to format and punctuate text. See also: Punctuation marker, Formatting marker, List marker.  
mathematical function models Drag and drop expression examples that perform specific mathematical operations; these contain placeholder values indicating the type of data you need to add to make them work.  
MAX A function that compares the two number values you specify and returns the greater of the two.  
MID A function that returns a string of characters from a text value by counting to the right the number of characters you specify, starting at the position you specify.  
MIN A function that compares the two number values you specify and returns the lesser of the two.  
model A pattern that shows you proper HotDocs scripting language syntax for an instruction or function.  
MONTH OF A function that converts a Date variable's answer to a number (between 1 and 12) corresponding to the month the date falls in.  
MONTHS FROM A function that returns the number of months between two date values.  
Multi Select variable

A type of variable that represents one or more unknown selections from a list of values (options).

Multi Select Variable Overview


Term Definition See Also
Natural A sorting option that arranges a list in alphanumeric order from 1 to 9 or in alphabetical order from A to Z. See also: Reverse  
NATURAL LOGARITHM A function that returns a number that is the result of calculating the first number value you specify to the power of the second number value you specify.  
navigation bar The interview toolbar that contains buttons enabling you to navigate between dialogs.  
nested repeat A repeated region contained within another repeated region; you must add the repeated dialog you use for the nested repeated region (a child dialog) to the contents of the dialog you use for the top-level repeated region (the parent dialog).  
NOT An operator that evaluates to “true” if the expression evaluates to false.  
NOT TRUE_FALSE An operator that returns a value of true if the expression or True/False variable you specify is false.  
Notes A tab on the various component editors that enables you to write notes to yourself or other template authors explaining the purpose of the components you create.  
NUM - NUM A function that subtracts the second number value from the first and returns the result.  
NUM != NUM An operator that returns a value of true if the two number values you specify are not equal.  
NUM * NUM A function that multiples the first number value by the second and returns the result.  
NUM / NUM A function that divides the first number value by the second and returns the result.  
NUM + NUM A function that adds together the two selected number values you specify and returns the result.  
NUM < NUM An operator that returns a value of true if the first number value is less than the second number value.  
NUM <= NUM An operator that returns a value of true if the first number value is less than or equal to the second number value.  
NUM = NUM An operator that returns a value of true if the two number values you specify are equal.  
NUM > NUM An operator that returns a value of true if the first number value is greater than the second number value.  
NUM >= NUM An operator that returns a value of true if the first number value is greater than or equal to the second number value.  
number value The data type that stores data in the form of  number characters (arabic numerals) usable in mathematical calculations; in the HotDocs scripting language, when you supply a number value, you must use a computation or system function that returns a number value or type the value in number characters.


Number variable A type of variable that represents an unknown number value.  


Term Definition See Also
on parent A dialog property that instructs HotDocs to display a child dialog's content on its parent dialog.  
operator An operator is a symbol or word that causes HotDocs to carry out an operation (such as addition) or a comparison (such as greater than) in a computation or expression.  
option (Instructions) An optional setting for a HotDocs instruction that modifies the behavior of the instruction.  
option source

A set of tabular data a selection variable can display as a list of options, and then (based on the selected option) insert a value into a document; to identify each option to a selection variable, an option source requires each option to contain a unique key.

Option Sources Overview
OR An operator that evaluates to “true” if either expression to the left or right of the operator evaluate to true.  
OTHER A function that evaluates whether the template user selected the Other or None of the above option in a Multiple Choice variable.  


Term Definition See Also
PDF document The document resulting when HotDocs assembles a template on which you enabled the Convert to PDF template property.  
parameter A named placeholder for a value a function needs to calculate its result (see system function and computation).  
parent dialog A dialog that contains another dialog (referred to as a child dialog). See also: Nested Repeated Dialog  
PAYMENT A function that calculates the amount due in each payment period to reach the future value by the end of the term. See also: FUTURE VALUE, PRESENT VALUE, RATE, TERM.  
placeholder field A HotDocs field that tells HotDocs where to place interview answers within the document HotDocs assembles using your template's boilerplate text and the values of these answers.  
plain text template A HotDocs template (.ttx) you create using HotDocs Composer that contains only unformatted text, as opposed to the formatted text styling and images available within a DOCX template.  
pop-up Interview A function that displays a single or series of child dialogs in a modal window instead of displaying them in the main interview pane.  
POSITION A function that returns the position of a character (or set of characters) you specify in a text value.  
POWER A function that calculates the first number value to the power of the second number value and returns the result.  
PRESENT VALUE A function that calculates the present value of a loan or an investment, based on a constant interest rate. See also: FUTURE VALUE, PAYMENT, RATE, TERM.  
property An attribute of a component, component file, field, or template, that controls that item's behavior; for example, a variable's Prompt property enables you to add text that instructs template users to enter specific information in an interview.  
punctuation marker A type of marker field that tells HotDocs how to punctuate text; for example, to insert the subsection (§) symbol at the beginning of a paragraph.  


Term Definition See Also
QUIT An instruction that stops HotDocs from processing any remaining script in the component.  


Term Definition See Also
RATE A function that calculates the interest rate per payment period. See also: FUTURE VALUE, PAYMENT, PRESENT VALUE, TERM.  
referenced template A template you point to from within another template using a placeholder field or an ASSEMBLE instruction.  
REMAINDER A function that divides the first number value you specify by the second number value you specify and returns the remainder.  
REPEAT An instruction that tells HotDocs to process each repetition of the repeated dialog you specify.  
repeated dialog A type of dialog that, in the interview, enables your template user to provide multiple answers to each variable on that dialog; you can style a repeated dialog as either a series or a spreadsheet. See also: REPEAT instruction.  
repeated region An area of a template or script bounded by a REPEAT and an END REPEAT instruction; HotDocs can process this area multiple times to create a list of answers, and HotDocs only processes this area during assembly if corresponding data is provided during the interview.  
REPLACE A function that finds a text string you specify in a text value and replaces it with a new text string you specify.  
REQUIRE An instruction that forces the template user to answer the variable you specify in the dialog before they can move to the next dialog.  
REQUIRE ALL An instruction that forces the template user to answer all variables in the dialog before they can move to the next dialog.  
Reverse A sorting option that arranges a list in alphanumeric order from 9 to 1 or in alphabetical order from Z to A. See also: Natural  
root administrator (Advance) A HotDocs Advance user role with permission to configure tenancies and manage site administrators; the default first user account created during an on-premise Advance installation has a Root Administrator role.  
ROUND A function that rounds a number value to the number of decimal places you specify.  


Term Definition See Also
script A set of directions that tell HotDocs to perform an action or calculation. Scripts are comprised of one or more instructions and/or expressions.  
script editor The interface pane used to write a script using the HotDocs scripting language; this pane appears within the script tab in the Computation Editor and Dialog Editor windows.  
Script Link Dialog Element A component that adds a link or button to a dialog, that the user can click to invoke a script.  
secret A unique authorization key HotDocs Advance uses to recognize requests from the HotDocs Author Upload Plugin, enabling you to upload templates to Advance.  
SELECTION A function that changes the number value of a Multiple Choice option you specify to a text value.  
series dialog A style of repeated dialog where the user can answer the same dialog multiple times in the interview. See also: spreadsheet dialog.  
SET An instruction that enables you to specify an answer value for a variable.  
SHOW An instruction for displaying in the interview a specific component you previously hid. See also: SHOW ALL, HIDE, or HIDE ALL.  
SHOW ALL An instruction for displaying in the interview all components you previously hid on the dialog. See also: SHOW, HIDE, or HIDE ALL.  
Single Select variable

A type of variable that represents a single unknown selection from a list of values (options).

Single Select Variable Overview

source document The file on which you want to base a new template.  
SPACE A function that returns the value of an answered variable, including an appended space character.  
spreadsheet dialog A style of repeated dialog where the answer fields are presented like a spreadsheet, where each column is a different variable and each row is another repetition of the dialog. See also: series dialog.  
SQUARE ROOT A function that returns the square root of a number value you specify.  
STARTS WITH An operator that evaluates to “true” if the text on the left starts with the text on the right.  
statement The smallest standalone element in the HotDocs scripting language; a statement either tells HotDocs to complete a task, or to calculate a value.  
STRIP A function that removes a text string you specify from the beginning and/or end of a text value you specify.  
SUM A function that adds together the repeated values you specify; either: repeated Number variable values; or a repeated computation that returns a number value.  
supplemental component A type of component that modifies the behavior of a variable or dialog component; these include dialog elements.  
system function A function HotDocs predefined for you to enable you to perform a specific task in the HotDocs scripting language (e.g., FORMAT, TODAY, ANSWERED, etc.). system local variable
system local variable A predefined local variable pertinent to the current computation (e.g., RESULT) or dialog script (e.g., ERRORTEXT). system function
syntax The rules for the language used in writing HotDocs scripts. This language consists of instructions, functions, operators, and values (such as text, numbers, dates, or answers users enter).  


Term Definition See Also
Table variable

A type of variable that represents one or more rows of unknown values arranged into columns whose names and types you define.

Table Variable Overview

Template See HotDocs Template.  
template author A person who creates or edits HotDocs templates using HotDocs Author.  
template properties The identifying attributes of a template, such as file name, title, and association with a component file.  
template upload The process of uploading templates from HotDocs Author to HotDocs Advance.  
Template Upload Staging Page When uploading templates from HotDocs Author, the web page that enables you to manage templates before you upload them to HotDocs Advance.  
template user

A non-administrative HotDocs Advance user role that can create work items, generate interviews and assemble documents.

tenancy A HotDocs Advance site with its own URL.
TERM A function that calculates the number of payment periods required to reach the future value. See also: FUTURE VALUE, PAYMENT, PRESENT VALUE, RATE.  
Test The command in the HotDocs Author interface that launches a test interview in your local environment; you can test individual components or the entire template.  
test interview An example interview that enables you to test your interview functionality and flow as you create your template.  
TEXT != TEXT An operator that returns a value of true if the two text values you specify are not the same.  
TEXT + TEXT An operator that returns a single text value by concatenating the two text values you specify. See also: +  
TEXT < TEXT An operator that returns a value of true if the first text value occurs earlier in the alphabet than the second text value.  
TEXT <= TEXT An operator that returns a value of true if the first text value occurs earlier or in the same position in the alphabet as the second text value.  
TEXT = TEXT An operator that returns a value of true if the two text values you specify are the same.  
TEXT > TEXT An operator that returns a value of true if the first text value occurs later in the alphabet than the second text value.  
TEXT >= TEXT An operator that returns a value of true if the first text value occurs later or in the same position in the alphabet as the second text value.  
text appearance marker A type of marker field that tells HotDocs how to format text; for example, bold or italicized.  
TEXT CONTAINS TEXT An operator that returns a value of true if the first text value contains the second text value.  
Text Dialog Element A component that adds text to a dialog.  
TEXT ENDS WITH TEXT An operator that returns a value of true if the first text value ends with the second text value.  
TEXT STARTS WITH TEXT An operator that returns a value of true if the first text value starts with the second text value.  
text value The data type that only accepts data in the form of a string of alphanumeric characters; in the HotDocs scripting language, when you supply a text value, you must use a computation or system function that returns a text value or type the value within quotation marks.  
Text variable A type of variable that represents an unknown text value.  
three-valued logic Logical statements that have three potential outcomes; in HotDocs, these outcomes are: True; False; and Unanswered.  
TODAY A function that current date as supplied by the system clock.  
TRIM A function that removes all space characters from the beginning and end of a text value you specify.  
True/False expression A script that returns a true or false value, most commonly used for creating conditional regions and filtering lists of answers.  
true/false value The data type that only accepts data in the form of either a true or a false value; in the HotDocs scripting language, when you supply a true/false value, you must use a computation or system function that returns a true/false value or type the value in the following format: TRUE or FALSE.  
True/False variable A type of variable that represents an unknown true/false value.  
TRUE_FALSE != TRUE_FALSE An operator that returns a value of true if one of the true/false values you specify is true and the other is false.  
TRUE_FALSE = TRUE_FALSE An operator that returns a value of true if both of the true/false values you specify are true or both are false.  
TRUE_FALSE AND TRUE_FALSE An operator that returns a value of true if both of the true/false values you specify are true.  
TRUE_FALSE OR TRUE_FALSE An operator that returns a value of true if one or both of the true/false values you specify are true.  
TRUNCATE A function that trims and returns (without rounding) the number value you specify at the number of decimal points you specify.  


Term Definition See Also
unanswered The logical state of a variable if the template user does not provide an answer during the interview. Three-valued logic
UNANSWERED A function that returns a value of "unanswered," enabling you to check whether a template user answered a variable, or to change a variable's status to unanswered. See also: SET instruction.  
unanswered text Optional text you supply for HotDocs to use in place of an answer in an assembled document if the template user does not provide an answer.  
UNGRAY An instruction that re-enables the previously grayed component you specify, allowing the template user to interact with the component. See also: UNGRAY ALL, GRAY, GRAY ALL.  
UNGRAY ALL An instruction that re-enables all previously grayed components on the dialog, allowing the template user to interact with them. See also: UNGRAY, GRAY, GRAY ALL.  
UNION A function that creates a single list of the unique options the template user selects from two Multi Select variables.  
upload configuration file A file you download from HotDocs Advance that configures the upload destination feature in HotDocs Author, enabling you to upload templates to HotDocs Advance.  
Upload Destination A HotDocs Author feature that stores the upload configuration information (per workspace) for uploading templates to HotDocs Advance.  
User Context Data A set of answers HotDocs Advance can automatically pass into an interview based on the user's account details.  User Context Data Overview


Term Definition See Also
VALUE A function that returns the default value you stipulate if the template user leaves the variable you specify unanswered.  
value A piece of data of a type that HotDocs knows how to process. Values Overview
variable A type of component that represents an unknown value; you can define how to gather that value from a template user, how HotDocs stores that value as an answer, and the format HotDocs gives that answer when assembling a document. Variables Overview
variable editor The part of the Component Studio where you edit the properties of a given variable.  
version control Also known as source control. Source Control Plug-ins Overview
version history Historical snapshots of a template you uploaded to HotDocs Advance; you can use version history to rollback a template to a previous version.  
Vertical Spacer Dialog Element A component that adds a section of vertical space to a dialog.  


Term Definition See Also
Web Link Dialog Element A component that adds a link or button to a dialog, that the user can click to load a web page in their web browser.  
webhook A configurable function that sends a notification to an endpoint when a particular event occurs in HotDocs Advance. Interview Event Dialog Element
WHILE An instruction that tells HotDocs to repeatedly process a script until the condition you specify is met. See also: END WHILE  
word startup folder The directory where Microsoft Word looks for Add-ins, such as the HotDocs Author Add-in for Word.  
workspace A folder on your computer's file system you designate (using Author) as a location for storing a set of (often related) HotDocs templates. Workspaces Overview
Workspace Explorer The first window you see in HotDocs Author; it displays and helps you manage your templates.  


Term Definition See Also
YEAR OF A function that converts the year portion of a date value you specify to a number value.  
YEARS FROM A function that calculates the number of years between two date values.  


Term Definition See Also
ZERO A function that returns a value of zero if the template user leaves the number variable you specify unanswered.