Additional Date Formats

You can also create date variables using the following set of format codes:

All case sensitive formats operate the same way—if the first character of the format is uppercase and the second is lowercase, then the first letter of the formatted value is uppercase and all the rest are lowercase. If the first and second characters of the format are uppercase, then the entire formatted value is uppercase.

The following formats are not supported in HotDocs 2008 and earlier. If you plan to use your templates with any of these previous versions, use these formats.

Property Name Description Example Usage Example Formatted Answer
d Numeric day d 1
dd Two-digit numeric day dd 01
ddd Case-sensitive weekday abbreviation ddd, Ddd, DDD mon, Mon, MON
dddd Case-sensitive spelled-out weekday dddd, Dddd, DDDD monday, Monday, MONDAY
dth Case-sensitive numeric ordinal day dth, dTH 1st, 1ST
dy Case-sensitive spelled-out day dy, Dy, DY first, First, FIRST
m Numeric month m 1
mm Two-digit numeric month mm 01
mmm Case-sensitive month abbreviation mmm, Mmm, MMM jan, Jan, JAN
mmmm Case-sensitive spelled-out month mmmm, Mmmm, MMMM january, January, JANUARY
y Numeric year y 2010
yy Two-digit numeric year yy 09
yyyy Four-digit numeric year yyyy 2010
yr Case-sensitive spelled-out year yr, Yr, YR two thousand and nine, Two Thousand And Nine, TWO THOUSAND AND NINE

Following are some examples of how to use these types of date formats:

How It's Used How the Answer is Formatted
d/m/yy 1/1/08
dd/mm/yy 01/01/08
dth day of Mmm 1st day of Jan
dy day of the month first day of the month
Mmmm, yyyy January, 2008
Mmm yyyy Jan 2008
Yr Two Thousand And Eight
Ddd, dd/mm/yy Mon, 01/01/07
Dddd, Mmm dth Monday, Jan 1st