Configuring ApacheDS
You must configure ApacheDS
before it can be used with the HotDocs Hub.
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Default Connection
The follow steps describe configuring a default
connection between ApacheDS and HotDocs. Please refer to the ApacheDS
documentation if you need to create a custom connection.
To configure ApacheDS for use with HotDocs Hub
1. Initial Connection Setup
- Run Apache Directory
- Follow the ApacheDS instructions to create
a new connection.
Note: This
guide refers to the uid=admin,ou=system
default bind DN in later configuration steps. If you use a different bind
DN, you should use that in place of uid=admin,ou=system.
2. Execute the LDIF file
- Expand the DIT node in
the LDAP Browser pane.
- Select the Root DSE node.
- Select File > Open File.
- Navigate to the LdapFiles
folder supplied with your HotDocs Hub installation package.
- Select the LdapInitialSetup.ldif
- Click Open.
- Click Execute LDIF to execute
the selected .ldif file.
- Select your LDAP connection name from the list.
- Click OK.
3. Tenancy Configuration
- Navigate to DIT > Root DSE.
- Expand the dc=example,dc=com node.
- Right-click the cn=HotDocs
- Select Properties
from the drop-down menu.
- Click both Refresh
button in the Create and Modify
Information section.
- Click the Refresh
button in the Sizing Information section.
- Click OK.
- Right-click the entryUUID
value from the cn=HotDocs group tab.
- Select Copy Value.
- Paste and save the value
in a text file; the ApacheTenancy setting in the
HotDocs Hub post-installation scripts uses this value later.
4. Set the root administrator
e-mail and password
- Expand
the cn=HotDocs
group node.
- Select the cn=admin user;
this is the initial administrator user for Hub.
- Edit the Email attribute.
- Enter
the e-mail address for the root
- Right-click the
userPassword attribute;
the value set for this attribute is the password for the root administrator.
- Select Edit Value.
- Navigate to the New Password tab.
- Enter a password in
the Enter New Password
- Enter the password in
the Confirm New Password
- Select SSHA-256 from the
Select Hash Method drop-down
- Click OK.
5. Password Lockout Configuration (optional)
you can change the password policy to disable locking of accounts after
five incorrect password attempts.
- Navigate to ou=config > ads-directoryServiceId=<default>
> ou=interceptors > ads-interceptorId=authenticationInterceptor
> ou=passwordPolicies > ads-pwdld=default
- Edit the ads-pwdlockout
- Enter FALSE as the value
for the attribute.
6. Disable Anonymous Access
You must also disable anonymous access for ApacheDS,
to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the server.
- Navigate to the Connections
- Right-click the connection to the ApacheDS server.
- Select Open Configuration.
- Uncheck the Allow anonymous access
- Select File > Save to
save the configuration.
Next Steps
Install HotDocs Hub with User