Installing HotDocs Author Unattended (Silent Install)

You can install HotDocs Author in an unattended manner, i.e. without the need to navigate through all of the install options manually. This method of installing Author is useful for system administrators who need to efficiently deploy or update Author on multiple computers and when you want to install author with some custom install settings using the command line. For example, you may want to replace some of the US-specific date or number formats Author includes by default with formats used in a specific language or location.


To Install HotDocs Author Via Silent Install

  1. Close all open programs, including any word processors or existing version of HotDocs Author you may have open.
  2. Open Command Prompt using Run as Administrator.
  3. Type setup.exe /s /v and then type the custom install settings you need, followed by /qn (being sure to use the conventions specified by InstallShield). For example:

Author will then complete the rest of the installation unattended.