HotDocs_Online Enumerations

Enumeration Description
ansFileFormat lists the file formats in which answer files can be saved
ansType lists the possible data types that can be stored in HotDocs Answer objects
appendOptions lists the modes in which one word processor document can be appended to another
CMPOpenOptions lists the modes used for opening component files with the ComponentCollection.Open method
DependencyType lists the kinds of external files upon which a HotDocs template may rely
HDAssemblyOptions lists options that can be applied to assembly via the AssembleDocument2 method
hdCmpType lists the types of components that can be present in a ComponentCollection
HDInterviewOptions lists options that can be applied to an interview requested via the GetInterview2 method
HDSupportFilesBuildFlags lists options that can be specified when calling BuildSupportFiles to publish templates dynamically on the server
HotDocsVersion lists the versions of HotDocs that can be distinguished by the GetHotDocsVersion methods on the Application and Session classes

This enumeration was deprecated in HotDocs Server 11.

interviewFormat lists the formats in which browser-based interviews may be requested from HotDocs Server
PdfOutputFlags lists options that can be specified when requesting PDF output files
PdfPermissions lists permission flags that can be assigned to PDF files