HotDocs Node

This node lets you customize the interview, assembly, and answer summary settings:

Interview/Assembly Settings

Value Description
Allow document preview This indicates whether or not the Document Preview button is displayed on the interview toolbar when assembling templates. If desired, you can override this setting in each assembly by changing the Assembly.​DocumentPreview property.
Next button follows interview outline When on (the default), clicking the Next button causes navigation to the dialog immediately below the current one in the interview outline. When off, navigation follows the legacy HotDocs order where the Next button at a child dialog first navigates you back to the parent dialog.
Add HDMain div for interviews This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server should include the HDMain DIV element in the HTML interview it returns when you call GetInterview. If you set this to false, the interview will appear in the hdMainDiv you create on your page; otherwise, a value of true causes HotDocs Server to add the hdMainDiv tags to the HTML output and place the interview in that DIV element.
Assemble marked-up documents This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server will assemble documents in Markup View.

These settings affect the behavior of HotDocs Server only when used via the .NET Session API.

Show all resource buttons This indicates whether Resource buttons are displayed simultaneously for all variables with resources, or only for the current field.
Embed fonts in assembled PDFs This indicates whether HotDocs will embed fonts when converting word processor documents to PDF.

These settings affect the behavior of HotDocs Server only when used via the .NET Session API.

Default date format If you didn’t assign a date format on the variable itself, and nothing is set on the Default Date Format setting in server management, this indicates how dates are merged into the assembled document: the default format for dates is US English. This only controls how dates are formatted in assembled documents; it does not control how dates are formatted for display in an interview.
Maximum repeat index This determines the maximum number of repetitions HotDocs Server will process before returning an error. (This setting helps reduce problems resulting from infinite loops in template logic.)
Unanswered variable placeholder This determines how unanswered variables appear in assembled text documents. Possible values are [Variable], *** Variable ***, Asterisks, Nothing, or Underscores. (If a variable is left unanswered in a form document, the form field is left empty, regardless of which unanswered variable placeholder you have selected.)
Allow individual component files to override placeholder Enabling this option allows HotDocs to use the individual component file settings for selecting the unanswered variable placeholder.
Country If during an interview, there is any ambiguity about the formatting of a number or date a user enters, the country (language) indicates how HotDocs formats dates and numbers in the assembled document. For example, the US English setting formats dates as Month Day Year, and the UK English setting formats dates as Day Month Year.

US and UK number formatting will also be applied to written number conventions.

Answer Summary Settings

Value Description
Allow answer summary This indicates whether or not the Answer Summary button is displayed during interviews.
Format This option determines the answer summary format:
  • One column: This format displays a simple list of variable prompts and answers grouped by dialogs. To make these summaries easier to read, you can indent these lists or use bullets by selecting Indent prompts , Precede prompts with bullet , Indent answers , or Precede answers with bullet .
  • Two column: This format displays a list of variable prompts in one column and their associated answers in a second column. Prompts and answers are grouped by dialogs. You can control the appearance of these columns by selecting a border style (None, Plain, or Sculptured) from the Borders drop-down list and specifying a column width in the Percent of width taken by prompt field. (This percentage determines how much of the viewable window is used to display the prompt. You can change this number by clicking the up or down arrows, or by typing a number directly in the field.)