Service node

This node contains application and service settings you can configure.

Default interview Settings

Value Description
Default interview format This is the default format of interviews. You can choose to use JavaScript or Silverlight.

Silverlight 5 runtime engine required to display Silverlight interviews.

Default JavaScript URL This is the default URL for the HotDocs Server JavaScript files.

These settings affect the behavior of HotDocs Server only when used via the .NET Session API property Assembly.HotDocsJavaScriptUrl.

Default CSS URL This is the default URL for the HotDocs Server "user" cascading style sheet (e.g. http://​www.​yourcompany.​com/​HDServerFiles/​stylesheets/​HDSUser.css).

These settings affect the behavior of HotDocs Server only when used via the .NET Session API property Assembly.HotDocsCSSUrl.

If you wish to customize the interview style sheets, make a copy of the existing hdsuser.css and hdsuser.xaml style sheets, and place them in the same folder as the originals. You can then update the URL to point to your modified .CSS file. Also note that although Silverlight interviews primarily use the .XAML file as the style sheet, there are still some aspects of the interview controlled by the .CSS file. As such, if you make modifications to the style sheets, you should always make a copy of both files and give the copied files the same base file name so that HotDocs Server can find the .XAML file based on the path to the .CSS file.

Document preview URL This is the URL for a page that will handle requests for a document preview.

These settings affect the behavior of HotDocs Server only when used via the .NET Session API property Assembly.DocumentPreviewUrl.

Interview Definition URL This is the URL for a page that will handle requests for Silverlight interview definitions.

These settings affect the behavior of HotDocs Server only when used via the .NET Session API property Assembly.InterviewDefinitionUrl.

Interview temp URL This is the URL to a folder where HotDocs places temporary files specific to an interview. For example, when a user requests a document preview, HotDocs creates the HTML file and its related images for the document preview in this folder.
Interview temp path This is the file system path associated with the Interview temp URL setting.

Application Setting

Value Description
Printer name This indicates the printer that HotDocs Server should use for calculating font metrics for HotDocs form templates. If you do not specify a printer, HotDocs Server uses the screen resolution to calculate font metrics, which is not recommended.
Temporary directory This is the folder where HotDocs Server will create temporary files.

When deploying on Windows Server 2012, HotDocs recommends that you locate the temporary directory on an NTFS partition rather than ReFS.

Support file cache directory This is the folder where HotDocs Server caches compiled Silverlight and Javascript interview files. Each time HotDocs assembles a document from a template, HotDocs Server compiles a .NET assembly for use in the interview and caches it in this folder. The next time HotDocs assembles a document from the same template, HotDocs Server uses the cached version (as long as the template files haven't changed since HotDocs created the cached version).
Automatically rebuild support files This lets you decide whether you want HotDocs to update the cached support files automatically or not. When this feature is on, the cache files are rebuilt every time you open an interview  from an updated template. If you turn the feature off then host applications will need to use other APIs to decide when the cache files are rebuilt.
Log location This is the folder where HotDocs Server will create its log file.
Log API errors This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server will log all API errors in the System Event log.
Log exceptions This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server will log additional advanced troubleshooting errors that may occur while it is running.
Detailed error information This indicates whether or not HotDocs Server will log more detailed error information.
Number of worker threads This indicates the number of worker threads per CPU. By default, it is ten times the number of processors.
Number of assembly threads This indicates the number of assembly threads per CPU. By default, it is four times the number of processors (or ten times the number of processors for head nodes).

Service Settings

Value Description
Service name The name of the service. (read-only)
Service status Indicates the status of the service, such as Running or Stopped.
Service user Indicates the name of the user account under which the service runs.