Assembly.HotDocsCSSUrl Property  

This property should be used in conjunction with the options in the Service Node.

[Read/Write] This property represents the URL that HotDocs Server should use for the user cascading style sheet (e.g., hdsuser.css). If the Session.DefaultHotDocsCSSUrl property is set, this property is defaulted to that URL.

If you wish to customize the interview style sheets, make a copy of the existing hdsuser.css and hdsuser.xaml style sheets, and place them in the same folder as the originals. You can then update the URL to point to your modified .CSS file. Also note that although Silverlight interviews primarily use the .XAML file as the style sheet, there are still some aspects of the interview controlled by the .CSS file. As such, if you make modifications to the style sheets, you should always make a copy of both files and give the copied files the same base file name so that HotDocs Server can find the .XAML file based on the path to the .CSS file.


public string HotDocsCSSUrl { set; get; }