Session.Assemblies Property

[Read-only] This property returns an AssemblyCollection object, which represents a collection of all assemblies in the current session that have not been completed. Along with the CompletedAssemblies property, this property represents the assembly queue, which is the list of templates that will be assembled during the lifespan of the current Session object. As each Assembly in the collection is completed, HotDocs Server moves it from the "incomplete" queue to the "complete" queue.


public HotDocs.Server.AssemblyCollection Assemblies { get; }


The following Visual C# code displays several properties of the Session class.

public class ExampleCode
    static void Main()
        HotDocs.Server.Session HDSSession = new HotDocs.Server.Session();
        HDSSession.AddLogEntry(1, "A new Session has been created with the following ID: " + HDSSession.ID);
        HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsCSSUrl = "";
        HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsImageUrl = "";
        HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsJavascriptUrl = "";
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","Assemblies", HDSSession.Assemblies.Count);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","Completed Assemblies", HDSSession.CompletedAssemblies.Count);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","CSS Url",HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsCSSUrl);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","Image Url",HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsImageUrl);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","Javascript Url",HDSSession.DefaultHotDocsJavascriptUrl);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","ID",HDSSession.ID);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","PDF Advantage",HDSSession.PDFAdvantageInstalled);
        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}","HotDocs Version",HDSSession.GetHotDocsVersion());
        //Call Dispose when you are completely finished using the Session object