API Setup Guide

This guide takes you through starting to make requests to the HotDocs Advance API, using the resource owner authentication flow.

The following steps are explained below:

  1. Create a new API client
  2. Add a service principal to the client
  3. Get an access token
  4. Find your Advance API base URL
  5. Make Requests


1. Create a new API client

A client is required to make requests to the Advance API. For this example, select a ResourceOwner flow type and Query scope.

  1. Log into the HotDocs Advance Auth application.
  2. Click the Manage API Credentials link.
  3. Click the Create a new client link.
  4. In the Create a new client form, enter the following information:
    1. DisplayName – a 'friendly' descriptive name for the client, used to identify the client in the UI
    2. FlowType – the type of authorization flow used by the client; select a flow type from the following options:
      • ResourceOwner – the client gets tokens by impersonating a service account
      • Implicit – the client gets a token as part of a sign-in process for a real user, without needing a secret
    3. Secret – the secret for the client, used for authentication
    4. ReturnUrl – the URL to which responses from the API are returned; not used by clients that use the Resource Owner flow
    5. LandingPage – the URL for the landing page to which new users are redirected from the provisioning e-mail; only used by users created via the API
    6. Token life span – the number of seconds for which the token is valid
    7. Scope – select from the following options:
      • Query – the client can only make read requests to the API
      • Command – the client can make read and write requests to the API
      • Root – the client has full root access to Advance; it can issue user access tokens
  5. Click the Create button; the Client Details page appears.
  6. (Optional) Click Activate Client; if you do not want to make the client immediately available, you can activate it later.

2. Add a service principal to the client

The service principal is an account in Advance that acts on behalf of a client. Clients that use the resource owner flow require an associated service principal user.

You only need to add a service principal if your client uses the Resource Owner authentication flow.

  1. Open the details page for the client for which you need to add a service principal
  2. Click the Add a service principal button.
  3. Enter the following information into the Add a service principal for the client form:
    • PrincipalName – the name of the new service principal
    • (Optional) Password – an automatically-generated password appears in this field; you can change it to your own custom password, if necessary.

      Note: You must remember this password; it cannot be viewed again beyond this page. You will require the password when making requests to the Advance API.

    • (Optional) IsActive – check this box to make the service principal available for making requests to the API; you can activate the service principal later, if necessary.

Once the client and service principal are activated, you can use them to retrieve an access token from the API.

3. Get an access token

HotDocs Advance requires you to supply an access token with your API requests, to verify that you are authorized to make that request.

The access token request requires you to provide the following data:

  • ClientName – the unique name for the client created earlier; you can find the client's unique name on the client details page
  • PrincipalName – the name of the service principal associated with the client
  • PrincipalPassword – the password for the service principal; you set the password when creating the service principal

To retrieve a token using the Resource Owner flow, use the example below to request an access token from the API.

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HotDocsAdvanceApiExamples
    public class ResourceOwnerAuthorization
        public static async Task<string> GetResourceOwnerTokenAsync()
            using var client = new HttpClient();
            var request = new HttpRequestMessage
                RequestUri = new Uri("https://yourtenancy.yourorganization.com/HdaAuth/Authorize/ServicePrincipalLogIn"),
                Method = HttpMethod.Post,
                Content = JsonContent.Create(new
                    ClientName = "ab3e4544-b595-4681-b0ea-c7c18c9b63f6",
                    PrincipalName = "ExampleServicePrincipalA",
                    PrincipalPassword = "examplePassword"
            var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
            return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

4. Find your Advance API base URL

The Advance API URL is the base URL to which you make API requests.

The URL consists of the path to the Advance API application and the API version you want to use. The format of the URL is typically:

  • https://{tenancyMoniker}.{serverName}.{yourDomain}/HdaApi/rest/v{apiVersionNumber}/


  • tenancyMoniker – the name of the Advance tenancy against which you are making requests; for example, tenancy1
  • serverName – the server on which Advance is installed; for example, testserver01
  • yourDomain – the domain under which Advance is installed; for example, yourorganization.com
  • apiVersionNumber – the version number of the Advance API you are using, e.g. v1.1

You need to know this URL when looking up the API documentation and making requests to the API endpoints.

For example, the URL for a request to get all work items in the tenancy might look like:

  • https://tenancy1.testserver01.yourorganization.com/HdaApi/rest/v1.1/WorkItems

Keep a note of this URL for the next step.

5. Make Requests

Once you have retrieved an access token, you can use it to sign the requests you make to the Advance API. For example, you can use the example below to create a new user. Make sure you change the createUserUrl to use your API base URL.

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Net.Http.Json;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace HotDocsAdvanceApiExamples
    public class UserRequest
        public static async Task<HttpStatusCode> CreateUserAsync(string token)
            using var client = new HttpClient();
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
            var userId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var request = new HttpRequestMessage
                RequestUri = new Uri($"https://yourtenancy.yourorganization.com/HdaApi/rest/v1.1/Users/{userId}"),
                Method = HttpMethod.Post,
                Content = JsonContent.Create(new
                    FirstName = "Emma",
                    LastName = "MacDiarmid",
                    EmailAddress = "emma.macdiarmid@example.com",
                    Roles = new[] { "SiteAdministrator" },
                    SendEmail = true
            var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
            return response.StatusCode;

Next steps

See Using the API Overview for more details about using the API, including code examples for various requests.

The Advance API documentation also contains information about the types of requests you can make using the API.

You can view the latest reference documentation for the Advance API at https://yourorganization.com/HdaApi/rest/documentation/index.html, where yourorganization.com is the domain under which your Advance deployment is located.