Creating a Webhook

Note: only users with the Integration Administrator user role can manage webhooks.

You can create a webhook in the Webhooks section of HotDocs Advance, accessed through the Configuration pane.


  • Your own web application
  • An endpoint in that application to which you want to send event data
  • An access token provided by your application; this is used by Advance to authenticate requests sent to your application endpoint
  • The Custom Interview Event webhook has additional prerequisites.

To create a web hook

  1. In the Administration section, click Manage WebhooksManage webhooks
  2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click Create new webhookCreate new webhook.
  3. Enter the following webhook details:
    • Name (required)the webhook's name
    • URL (required) – the URL for the endpoint to which you want Advance to send event data
    • Authentication Method (required) – select an authentication method from the following options:
      • HMAC (default) – an HMAC code, provided by Advance; this is sent in the request form data (named "token").
      • Access token – an access token, provided by your application; this is sent in the Authorization header of the request sent to your application endpoint from Advance.
    • Event type (required) – select an event for the webhook from the following options:
      • NewWorkItemVersionComplete – sends event data when a user completes a new work item version
      • CustomInterviewEvent – sends event data when a template component is activated in an interview
      • InterviewLoadEvent – sends event data when a user opens an interview
      • PostProcessingEvent – sends event data when a user completes an assembly
    • Interview Event Name (required when CustomInterviewEvent is selected) – the Event Name of the Interview Event dialog element used in the template.
    • Active Status – either Active or Inactive; inactive webhooks do not send event data to your endpoint
    • Untrusted SSL certificates – either Block untrusted SSL (default) or Accept untrusted SSL; accepting untrusted SSL allows the webhook to send data over HTTPS even when the SSL certificate is untrusted.
    • Work Groups (available when LoadInterviewEvent is selected) – select the work groups for which Advance activates the webhook.
    • Templates (available when LoadInterviewEvent is selected) – select the templates for which Advance activates the webhook.
  4. Click Create.

The new webhook appears in the Webhooks list.

Next steps