Converting a Single Template to a New File Format
To convert multiple files at once or to convert all templates to .DOCX, use Template Manager. (See Convert Multiple Templates to Work with HotDocs 11 and Convert Templates and Clauses to Microsoft DOCX.)
HotDocs 11 uses a file format for component files that is different from earlier versions of HotDocs. To take full advantage of the features available in this latest version of HotDocs, you must convert your component file to the current format. However, if users of your templates are still using previous versions of HotDocs, you can keep the files in their existing formats.
Additionally, perhaps you've changed word processors and need to convert all your templates from one file type to another.
It is a good idea to back up templates, component files, or other HotDocs files before making major changes to them.
To convert an older HotDocs template to the latest version of HotDocs
- At the template library, select the template you want to convert and click
Edit Template. HotDocs displays a message box asking how you would like to convert the template.
- Make your choice, based on the following options:
- Click Convert to Current Format to convert the template to HotDocs 11 format. If you select this option, the format shown at Component File Properties will continue to be set to Current.
- Click Keep Existing Format to leave the component file in the format it is already in. If you select this option, HotDocs will set that specific format for the component file at Component File Properties.
If you select Keep Existing Format, HotDocs will stop Template Manager from converting this template's component file to another format. If you want to convert it later you will need to use the option in Component File Properties.
- Click Cancel to close the message box and cancel the conversion process.
If you need to keep several templates in their existing pre-2009 format and you don't want to be prompted to make this selection on a template-by-template basis, you can use Template Manager to change the component file format for several files at once. See Modify Component File Properties Across Multiple Files for details.
If you are converting a HotDocs 5 template, you should verify the template works correctly in HotDocs. For details about this, see Verify HotDocs 5 Templates for Use with HotDocs 11.
After selecting Keep existing format, when prompted by the Component Manager, HotDocs will then only allow format changes to be made at the Component manager and will not enact changes made to the component file in Template Manager.
To convert a template to a new word processor format
- Select the template at the HotDocs library and click
New Template. The New Template dialog box appears.
- Click the Type drop-down button and select the new word processor. The file name extension in the File name field is changed to the new word processor format.
- Optionally, change the Title and Description of the template.
- Do not change the information in the Other file field.
- Click OK. HotDocs converts the template to the new format and displays it in the appropriate word processor. The quality of the template conversion depends on your word processor’s conversion capabilities. Complex text formatting, unusual fonts, and so forth, may not be converted correctly. You should check new versions of templates for conversion errors.
Once you have updated your template, the old template may still be listed in the library. This happens when old and new versions of the template have different file name extensions. Delete the old version from the library. (See Remove Items from a Library.)
Since the release of HotDocs 11.1, HotDocs no longer supports converting component files to pre-2009/10 formats.