At a Glance: The Component File Properties dialog box
You can open the Component File Properties dialog box by first opening Component Manager and clicking the
Component File Properties button on the toolbar.
In the first text field A you can edit the title of the template, this title is used to identify the template in the template library file list, and in the second text field B you can edit the template description which will appear in the Properties tab of the library.
Underneath the two text fields are two drop-down menus. Using the first menu C you can change the component file format, this can be used to make the component file compatible with earlier versions of HotDocs (see Compatibility of HotDocs 11 Files with Earlier Versions of HotDocs). To keep the component file current with the version of HotDocs you have installed, choose Current Format.
Since the release of HotDocs 11.1, HotDocs no longer supports converting component files to pre-2009/10 formats.
Below this you can see the specific Template ID D associated with this template and use the New button to the right to generate a different ID.
If you have additional templates or files that need to be published with this template you can add these using the next two buttons. Clicking the first one E opens the Additional Templates dialog box where you can add or remove other templates attached to this one. Clicking the second one F opens the Other Additional Files dialog box where you can add or remove any other types of file you would like to attach to this template, for example you could attach a PDF guide or an image file. To learn more about using these dialogs see At a Glance: Additional Templates and Files (Component File Properties).
If you choose to use an earlier format of HotDocs be careful not to use new features that aren't supported in the older versions of HotDocs or you may experience errors during assembly.
In the drop-down list G at the bottom of the dialog you can choose to use the component file from another template, the menu will show you a list of available files.
Before you point a template to a shared component file, make sure you first close the template and then edit the component file from the template library. Shared and pointed component files must also be stored in the same folder.
There are further options available in the Interview, Assembly, Hidden Data, HotDocs Server and Answer Upload tabs.
To learn more about setting the component file properties follow the links below: