Creating a Popup Interview
When you want to gather information from your template users outside the main flow of your interview, you can use a popup interview based on a script link and a computation.
To create a popup interview
- Open Component Studio.
- Open the dialog from which you want to pop up a "child" interview.
- On the toolbar at the bottom of either the Contents or Layout tabs of the Dialog Editor, click Create Script Link Dialog Element. The New Script Link Dialog Element then appears.
- The following tasks are optional:
- (Optional) Replace the default Name with a more descriptive one
For convenience, if you leave the default Name (Script_Link), as you select or create the required computation, HotDocs appends the name of the computation to the end of the default name. For example, Script_Link becomes Script_Link_askLastName as you create a computation called askLastName.
- (Optional) Use the Script drop-down to select the computation that defines your popup interview. Alternatively, type the name of a new computation and click the Edit button to create it
- (Optional) From the Type drop-down, select the form you want the script link to take on the "parent" dialog:
- Button – in the interview, displays a rectangular push button bearing the Text or Image (cropped to the Size—width and height) you set. If you don't change the Size settings, the button appears at a default size
- Hyperlink – in the interview, displays as a blue and underlined hyperlink Text, or as a clickable image without a border
- (Optional) Choose either:
- Text – type the text you want to display on the button or as a hyperlink
- Image – use the Browse button to add the image you want to display on the button or as a hyperlink
- When you have finished the optional tasks click OK.
- If you just created the computation, open the computation.
- On the Script tab of the Computation Editor, type ASK, then a space, then the name of the dialog or variable you want to appear in the popup interview.