Creating a Variable Using Component Studio

If you take the time to plan your HotDocs template authoring projects, most often when you create a variable, you do so from within Component Studio.

You can also use the HotDocs Field Editor to create a variable while adding a placeholder field.

Create a variable

  1. Open Component Studio.
  2. From the Component Studio ribbon, click New; then under Variables, select the type of variable you want to create.
  3. Type a Name for the variable.
  4. Click OK.
  5. (Optional) Edit any properties you want on the tabs of the individual variable editors:
    1. Text Variable Editor
    2. Number Variable Editor
    3. Date Variable Editor
    4. True/False Variable Editor
    5. Single Select Variable Editor
    6. Multi Select Variable Editor
    7. Table Variable Editor
    8. Multiple Choice Variable Editor
  6. When you finish, click Save.
  7. (Optional) Open your template and select the text you want to replace, or position the cursor where you want to add a placeholder field that references your variable.

If you use Component Studio to create several components, you can dramatically benefit from using the Fast Field Insertion tool to add placeholder fields to your template.

See Also