The Workspace Explorer is the first window you see when you open HotDocs Author. It is also the main organizing aspect of the HotDocs Author interface, and provides access to all the templates in any workspace you open. The Workspace Explorer also enables you to invoke the different Author interfaces.
Workspace Explorer opens first whenever you start HotDocs Author and you can open new or existing workspaces using the Workspace Explorer toolbar.
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Among others, Workspace Explorer enables you to perform the following common tasks:
Workspace Explorer includes keyboard shortcuts to enable you to work more rapidly than you can by clicking with a mouse.
The Workspace Explorer toolbar is at the top of the window and contains the following buttons:
Button | What it Does |
Workspace | Opens a menu of options:
New Template | Launches the New Template dialog box that enables you to you to: |
Import | Enables you to import templates from other workspaces or previous versions of HotDocs into Author. |
Options | Opens the HotDocs Options dialog box that enables you to edit certain default behaviors for HotDocs Author. |
Help | Opens a menu of options:
The left pane displays templates in the workspace and enables you to search, sort, and filter the templates.
Element | What it Does |
Search... | Enables you to search for files within the current workspace. |
Filter (Showing all) | Enables you to filter your search results by two criteria when you select the various options:
Template Type
Template References
Sort | Enables you to sort the templates from A-Z. You can choose between the following sort options: Sort by
Sort order
Select Multiple | Enables you to select more than one template in the contents pane at once, so you perform the actions available in the right-hand pane on more than one template at a time.
The right-hand pane presents a shortened list of options in multiple select mode. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to select multiple templates in the contents pane. |
Contents pane | Displays the contents of the workspace according to search parameters, sorting, and any filters or multiple selections you apply. |
This pane displays the template toolbar and the template details pane for the selected template in the Left Pane.
The template toolbar contains the following actions you can perform on the selected template:
Button | What it Does |
Edit | Opens the file for editing. There are two other ways to open a template for editing:
Extend Selection | (Only appears when you select multiple templates) Add to the Selected templates list all templates that reference (using a placeholder field or an assemble instruction) any currently selected auxiliary templates. |
Template Properties | Displays the Template Properties dialog for the template you selected in the left pane. |
Component Studio | Opens the Component Studio so you can edit the components associated with the selected template. |
Upload to | Creates a template package for the selected template (or templates) and uploads it to the specified HotDocs Hub destination. |
Delete | Deletes the template from the workspace. |
The first time you open Workspace Explorer, or if HotDocs cannot locate a recently-used workspace, the template details pane displays a message instructing you how to create your first workspace or open an existing workspace.
The template details pane displays template information for the selected template:
Element | What it Does |
Template details | Displays the template title, which by default, is generated by the template file name. You can also see the template type and a description, if one is available. You can change the template title and description in the Template Properties dialog. |
Associated Files | Lists the files that go to make up a template:
Metadata for Hub Users | Displays the Title and Description properties you set in the Template Properties dialog box. These are the properties your template users see when accessing your template in HotDocs Hub. |
Used in | (Only appears when applicable) Displays the number of templates that use the currently selected template. These templates need the current template to assemble properly; any changes you make to the current template affect the final documents HotDocs assembles from the templates that use the current template. Clicking Used In reveals the list of templates that reference the current template using either: |
Extend Selection | (Only appears when you select an auxiliary template) Selects all templates that reference (using a placeholder field or an assemble instruction) the current auxiliary template. |
Errors |
(Only appears when applicable)
Auxiliary Templates |
(Only appears when applicable.) Displays the number of auxiliary templates
the currently selected template uses to assemble properly. Clicking
Auxiliary Templates toggles the
list of templates the current template references using either:
The list displays the current template's auxiliary templates and a list of any auxiliary templates these may use. Double-clicking an auxiliary template's name opens the template. If any of the auxiliary templates contain an error, the title bar displays a red error icon overlaying the auxiliary template icon. In addition, individual auxiliary templates containing an error display a small red exclamation mark. Clicking an error icon opens the auxiliary template that contains the error and places focus on the element in the template that contains the error. |