Work Groups Overview
A work group is a named location in HotDocs Advance you use to provide your users with access to a specific set of templates. Within a work group, users use the templates to create work items and – ultimately – new, customized documents. For example, suppose your organization has a Marketing department. To enable marketing personnel to create marketing-specific documents in Advance, you would create a new Marketing work group, assign marketing-specific templates to the new work group, then assign the Marketing user group to the new work group. Marketing personnel can then open the Marketing work group and create work items using the relevant templates.
Work groups enable you to organize – and manage user access to – templates uploaded to HotDocs Advance. This enables you to give your uploaded templates a logical organizational structure within Advance, reflecting how users use templates within your organization. For example, you could use work groups to organize template by department, topic area, or use-case. You also use work groups to control user access permissions to templates: template users can only access templates in work groups to which their user groups are assigned.
You must have a Site Administrator or Content Administrator role to manage work groups
Common Tasks
- Create a Work Item
- Create a work group
- Assign a template to a work group
- Assign user permissions to a work group
- Edit a work group
- Deactivate a work group
You will typically create a work group before you upload templates to HotDocs Advance. Once templates are uploaded to Advance, you can assign templates to appropriate template groups. You can assign user groups to work groups, giving users access to the templates.
You will typically have access to one or more work groups.
Active/Deactivated Status
Active work groups are accessible to all users in the user group assigned on the Access permissions tab visible when creating and editing the work group. Deactivated work groups are not accessible to users. You can activate and deactivate a work group when you create or edit the work group.
All Templates Work Group
You can set a work group to use all templates in Advance when you create or edit the work group. The Work group contains all templates option includes all templates uploaded to your Advance tenancy in the work group. If you select the Work groups contains selected templates option, you can select individual templates to include in the work group.
Related Common Tasks