Choosing a Presentation Style for the Repeated Dialog

You can choose how a repeated dialog appears during the interview, either as a series of dialogs or as a single spreadsheet with multiple entry points.

To make a repeated dialog appear as a series

  1. Edit the REPEAT instruction.
  2. ClickEdit Component to open the Dialog Editor.
  3. Click the Style drop-down button and choose Repeated Series.
  4. (Optional) Assign a custom title to each repetition in the dialog.
  5. (Optional) Enter your custom label text for the Add Another button in the Add button text field. (This button appears on a repeated series dialog. Users click it to add a new repetition to the series of answers.)

To make a repeated dialog appear as a spreadsheet table

  1. Edit the REPEAT instruction.
  2. ClickEdit Component to open the Dialog Editor.
  3. Click the Style drop-down button and choose Spreadsheet.
  4. (Optional) Limit the number of visible rows in the spreadsheet by entering a number in the Rows to display field.
  5. (Optional) Select Hide buttons to keep the Edit Row, Insert Row, and Delete Row buttons from appearing just below the spreadsheet. Users can still access these commands either by right-clicking the spreadsheet row, or by choosing the commands from the Edit menu.

If the repeated dialog contains a multiple-selection Multiple Choice variable, you must use the Repeated Series style—you cannot use the Spreadsheet style.

If you use the Spreadsheet style for a repeated dialog containing a True/False variable, the unanswered variable defaults to false.

HotDocs takes the format for repeated paragraphs in DOCX templates from the first paragraph. This may appear different to previous RTF template formatting.

You can use the Spreadsheet on Parent option from the Style menu to display a child dialog directly on the parent dialog.

You can control the width of the columns in a spreadsheet the same way you can control the width of answer fields in the interview.